Notes on DMSetup Questions

Basically, accept most of the defaults. (simply press return - the default is in the square brackets).

Check that you answer the question, What is the TCPIP name of this computer [your machine] ?
with the domain that you want used in email addresses, e.g. if the main domain is for addresses like,
then enter,
rather than or etc.

Set the email address for system administrator?
question to a valid email address where you want to receive all of the messages to do with the email server administration.

Another local domain for email [ ] ?
answer this with any other TCPIP IP addresses or IP names for your machine (note this does not include any virtual domains that you wish to host). Any domains you give in answer to this question will be 'synonyms' or 'domain aliases' of your main mail domain, i.e. the addresses, bob@main_domain and bob@synonym, are addresses for the same user bob.

You can add virtual domains later manually.

Examples of things to add here are,

The machine name:

IP addresses if you want people to be able to email, bob@

Wildcards for subdomains: (where the same user's exist on all subdomains - otherwise add vdomains for these later)

Path for mail drop files [C:\dmail\in] ?
accept default

DPOP creates a user.bin directory for each user for unread msgs etc.
Do you want to store these in the same directories as drop files [yes] ?
accept default

Should DMail use a gateway when sending email to external users [no] ?
accept default

Do you want to place limits on user access to the DPOP mail server [no] ?
accept default

Password for manager control of DSMTP/DPOP/DLIST [1729327945] ?
I reccomend setting this to something easy like "password" rather than the default number for your situation. This password is needed only when you wish to administer this DMail Server remotely with the DMAdmin GUI utility from another machine. It is not needed to administer the server using DMAdmin when on the same machine.

Limit from-address for manager control to [*] ?
accept default
(sets manager_ip_address setting)

Do you want to change any of your answers [no] ?
at this point you can go back and change any of your answers by pressing 'y' - if you do go back, your previous selections will now appear as the defaults.

DMSetup will now copy files and generally do setup things for you. If you are not running on Windows NT then you will probably see error messages about failing to start DMail as a "service" - you can ignore these.

Shall I start DSMTP/DPOP/DLIST now [yes] ?
select yes, unless you have other mail servers running and you want to manually start DSMTP and DPOP later on non-standard TCPIP ports.

I observed on my test machine the following perfectly normal messages:

Stop service failed 998
Successfully deleted service {dwatch}
Installing service {dwatch} to start image {C:\dmail\dwatch\dwatch.exe}
Services dwatch successfully added to local database
Service started ok
START service failed 1056

(Windows Platforms: You should then see DMail Manager ( also known as DMAdmin) start after a few seconds. If all of the servers are working, there should appear a green bar above each of the tabs.)

Go back to Installation section.