SurgeTorrent FAQ


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How to create a torrent in 'bittorrent' or 'utorrent' or any other *torrent client and upload it to the server

  1. In SurgeTorrent web admin click on 'Upload Torrent file' In the hint section it will give you the correct url for your tracker, you need this information when creating the torrent in your *torrent client
  2. Now go to your *torrent client and click on the icon to create a new torrent, select the file or files, and enter your tracker name correctly, typically it's http://your.server:7051/announce, also leave the tick box "Start seeding" ticked.
  3. Then save the torrent file, remember the directory you are saving it in.
  4. Now go back to the SurgeTorrent page, click on "Upload Torrent file" and "Browse" and then find the .torrent file you saved in your torrent client, select that file and upload it.
  5. Wait and check the status, it should successfully start uploading, you may wish to click on 'stop/start' in your *torrent client for that torrent to 'kick' it into action..

Note: You can also create a torrent from local files in SurgeTorrent if the files exist or if you have uploaded them using ftp or some other mechanism. This is simpler as it is just done from the web admin menu directly.

Please note: BitTorrent and Torrent are trademarks of, Neither NetWin or SurgeTorrent is associated directly with BitTorrent

How to publish a file on a public Torrent search engine

SurgeTorrent lets you create a torrent description file, and hosts the tracker and torrent file, but if you wish your torrent to be listed in a public database you must take one extra step and 'tell the world' about your torrent, here's how to do that...

First create the torrent in SurgeTorrent

Then choose a site to publish your torrent on, we recommend then 'register' an account on that service (it's free) then click on 'upload torrent file' from the top menu on mini nova. You don't need to publish your torrent on every 'search' engine as they will automatically index from each other.

Proxy / Cache usage...

To use SurgeTorrent as a proxy/cache you find the torrent url you wish to download, in the SurgeTorrent admin tool click on 'Fetch file(s) by... URL" and paste in the url, then click on the download link next to the list of torrents and that will create a 'local high speed' download torrent to get the file onto your PC directly from the SurgeTorrent proxy. This is a special link that prevents any outgoing or peer to peer sharing between your PC and other torrent clients.

ipfilter.dat blacklist blocking

If you wish you can place a filter file 'ipfilter.dat' in the SurgeTorrent home directory, and restart SurgeTorrent, then it will avoid any connections from/to any ip range in the filter file in question. This can enhance your privacy to some extent. Good compatible filters can be downloaded from here: we recommend the nipfilter or pipfilter files, unzip the file after downloading it!

More questions - contact our support staff and ask directly!