Get 'mailto:' to Call WebMail
The default templates that come with WebMail already, have all the templates changes required to make WebMail work with a link like this:
<a href="">Name</a>
Call WebMail. You will need to first add 1 webmail.ini setting:
authent_cookie true

The following is what the user needs to setup on his/her machine so that WebMail is called when they press a mailto link:
Registered file types:
	URL:MailTo Protocol
	Actions: OPEN
		"C:\Program Files\Plus!\Microsoft Internet\Iexplore.exe"
You will need to update the above as necessary.
What happens is, when you click on a 'mailto' link, it opens up another IE with the URL in the following layout:

The variable 'email=' is setup and then is used on the login page and frame set to display the send page.
If they currently have a VALID cookie to autologin with it will go to the send page straight away. If not, the login page will appear asking you to login first.
NOTE: The above is only set up to work correctly on the frame set. For non-frames you need to do a redirect on the list.tpl/listf.tpl if the variable 'email' is set up.