Tellpop and Tellsmtp

Under Construction :-)

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To load a new key - tellpop key xxx-xxx (no tellsmtp reload). . .

To register - tellpop register - creates regsiter.txt . . .

Tellpop commands

Tellsmtp commands

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Controlling the DSMTP/DPOP Servers Following installation, various options and settings can be adjusted to tailor DSMTP and DPOP to your specific requirements. You may also want to check on the current status of the servers in order to see how many connections are in use etc. 

A command line utility is provided for such management tasks on each of the servers, in addition to the settings in the config file, they are Tellpop and Tellsmtp. Of special note are the 'reload' commands which both utilities have. These cause the server specific to that utility to reload the configuration file without having to restart, e.g. 'tellpop reload' makes DPOP reload the configuration file.

Alternatively, both the config settings and the commands to the server can be managed with the DMAdmin utility, which also controls all three servers.


DMAdmin is a graphical user interface for controlling DSMTP/DPOP/DList and their configuration settings. It runs on the Windows 95 or Windows NT platform. It is automatically installed and then started by DMSetup on these platforms. It can also be used in order to control a Unix version of DMail/DPOP remotely. 

Tellsmtp Command Line Utility

A command line application. This runs on all systems and provides a quick and simple method of controlling and monitoring DSMTP. 

Tellpop Command Line Utility

A command line application. This runs on all systems and provides a quick and simple method of controlling and monitoring DPOP. 

NOTE 1: Initial installation and setup of DSMTP and DPOP is best handled by the DMSetup wizard. Tellpop, Tellsmtp and DMAdmin are for later fine tuning etc.

NOTE 2: Modifying a dmail.conf setting which is relevant to both DPOP and DSMTP requires you to reload both servers individually with their reload configuration file commands, e.g. tellsmtp reload and tellpop reload. DMAdmin will do this automatically.