||include||style.htm|| ||include||body.htm|| Configure DKIM / DomainKeys
$$Before you can sign messages with a domainkey, a private + public key pair must have been generated and you must have added an appropriate domain key DNS entry. Surgemail has automatically generated a private and public key.$$
$$You should define your domainkey DNS record using this fingerprint. This should look something like:$$
||dns_rec|| = "v=DKIM1; p=||domainkey_fingerprint||"
Current domainkey DNS record for domain ||domain||.
||dns_rec|| = "||dns_rec_curval||"
Select to display current DNS record for other domains: ||ifdef||message||
||message|| ||endif||
$$You probably will want to also add a DMARC entry, something like this$$
$$Current DMARC record is$$
The DMARC entry tells the receiving server if it should require a dkim signature for your domain.
The email addresses in the DMARC entry will receive automated reports from servers.
Every domain you host needs to have the same DKIM dns entries