![]() Domain NameThis is the name of this virtual domain. It is displayed when users connect. e.g. ftp.netwinsite.com Managers EmailThis is the managers Email address. This is not currently used, but in future may be used to send weekly reports and urgent problem Emails. Virtual Domain IPThis is the IP number of this virtual domain. You will also need to configure your operating system and network to respond to this IP address. How to do this for specific operating systems is described in more detail in the DMail manual https://netwinsite.com/dmail/manual.htm Deny users from IP'sAny user with this IP address (or wild card) will be rejected. This is a good way to block problem people :-), e.g. "2.3.4.*" you can also give a list and use the 'not' character. For example, to block all users except those on the local intranet addresses you might use: "*,!10.0.0.*" Note: Do not use spaces in settings, e.g. "* , !10.0.0.*" would not work as expected Message for denied usersThis is the message that will be displayed when the 'deny' IP address string matches. Domain Authentication PrefixUse this to add a prefix to the username authentication for this domain only. It is used to make a user name unique for each domain that has that login name. Max login failsAfter the specified number of guesses, the user will be disconnected. There is no particular point to this setting and we do not recommend setting it below 5, which is the default. (There is a better mechanism in the server which prevents password guessing) GreetingsThis is the string displayed to the user when they connect to this domain, before they login. Anon PasswordWith anonymous logins, the user is prompted for their email address instead of a password, traditionally FTP servers then threw away this information. However, if you really want it, then you may want to set this setting to ensure that the user gives a sensible looking address. |