Version |
Date |
New Features and Bugs Fixed |
SurgeLDAP has been sold to Alpha
Centauri Software Ltd, they have improved and rebranded SurgeLDAP
as SIDVault (Simple Integration Database Vault). Alpha
Centauri Software Ltd develops and distributes advanced database and
accounting untility software solutions that meet the needs of high demand
Internet and Intranet providers for reliable, high performance software
that is easy to administer. For more information please check out their
site at:
9th May 2005 |
- Fixed: SurgeLDAP Crash if you disable replicate via web interface
- Fixed: Outlook 2003 Address book searching method.
- Updated: ./surgeldap -schema
To cycle though all the bins and verify all records and fields.
It also creates a file called 'schema.log' of the results it gets.
- Added: The ability to such the schemas and bins files from any setup
replicate server.
11th March 2005 |
- Fixed: Message ID being larger than 127
- Fixed: CRC checking for replicators/Backup servers NOT to account
for the RootDSE
- Fixed: The RootDSE from being mirrored or backup in ldif files.
- Fixed: SurgeLDAP rotating log linux freeze issue.
- Fixed: On linux machines taking up 99% of CPU usage.
- Fixed: Mirroring issue between windows and linux machines.
- Updated: Mirror to now verify/check CRC's on schema/field files between
the servers as they MUST match for the mirror to correctly work. If
they do not match it will disable the mirroring completely.
- Updated: Mirror setup to be easier via a web interface
29th November 2004 |
- Fixed:,dc=example,dc=com
being converted to:
which is an invalid 'dn'
- Added: Upgrading now causes an database upgrade.
- Updated: user search page has been updated to do the search nicer.
- Updated: For searchs from 'Thunderbird' mail client to be accepted.
- Updated: Schema checking so that if the same field were defined but
with different security ratings (ie HIDDENxx) it will default to the
highest security but still accept the field.
- Added: Added new schema files:
- Added: The following Exteneded LDAP Protocols:
1.2.840.113556.1.4.473 (LDAP Server Sort Result extesion)
2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9 (LDAP Extensions for Scrolling View Browsing
of Search Results)
The above are needed to work with OutLook 2003 LDAP address book.
- Security Fixes. (Denial of Service attacks)
4th August 2004 |
11th May 2004 |
- Fixed: Security issue brought up by:
- New INI setting: replicate_crc_check - Defaults to 3600 seconds this
is how often it
will checks CRC on the replicates.
17th December 2003 |
- Fixed: Bug when base_dn was only 1 level 'dc=com'
- Fixed: ILS - Netmeeting - Timeout Issues
- Updated: LDIF import feature to ignore case. Required when importing
IPlanet Exported LDIF's
- Updated: To decode utf-8 enoded values on .ldif files.
- Added: The ability to have a LDIF generated on the fly of all database
NEW ini setting: backup_ldif_file c:\surgeldap2\backup\
- Added: Also the ability to backup the entire database as it ever so
This is implement in the same layout as linux cron jobs.
NEW ini setting: backup_cron 0 12 * * *
This will backup every day at 12:00pm: backup_cron 0 12 * * *
Backup every sunday at 00:00: backup_cron 0 0 * * sun
26th September 2003 |
- Fixed: Key Registration Issue.
- Added: Extra code to ensure database stability
29th August 2003 |
This version Fixes the following reported security issues:
1) It is possible to cause the server to crash by requesting a long
2) Usernames and passwords are stored in clear text in "surgeldap\user.dat".
3) The installation path is revealed if a non-existant file is requested.
4) The "cmd" parameter isn't properly verified in the "user.cgi"
script, which allows trivial Cross Site Scripting attacks.
1) Disclosing the full path of the SurgeLDAP Server installation directory
2) CSS (Cross Site Scripting)
3) Denial of service
4) Clear text password storage
SurgeLDAP nonexistent file path disclosure
SurgeLDAP CGI scripts cross-site scripting
SurgeLDAP HTTP GET buffer overflow
SurgeLDAP users.dat file plaintext password
SurgeLDAP Path Disclosure Vulnerability
SurgeLDAP User.CGI Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability
SurgeLDAP HTTP GET Denial Of Service Vulnerability
SurgeLDAP Insecure Password Storage Vulnerability
20th June 2003 |
- Fixed: NetMeeting issues on Solaris system
- Update: Database Storage Layout.
- Update Installer: The installer will automatically update database
- Update: Updated NetMeeting schema to support 'Portrait'
As well as the netmeeting convertion program.
- Added: Paswords that are: {crypt}, {SSHA}, {SHA} encoded.
- Added: Backup and Replocating of SurgeLDAP to another SurgeLDAP server.
(see manual)
12th March 2003 |
- Fixed: When using IE on the user interface when you add or deleted
a item to the database the menu list ot the left was not updating automatically.
This issue did not occur in Netscape.
- Fixed: Sucking from other LDAP server which limited the amount of
data it provided, to atleast add the data that it did provide. Sucking
now also optionally does the entire tree from the base location, or
just 1 level. Also attempts to add the base object.
- Added: SurgeLDAP has been updated (server and admin templates) to
allow 'LDIF' files to be user to enter data to the database.admin/suck.tpl
- Added: Added new command prompt to import ldiff files.
./surgeldap -import test.ldiff
- Added: Dynamic Records. Records that are defined using the objectClass:
dynamicObject are automaticaly given a time out depending on the following
ini setting:
dynamic_subtrees "<wilddn>" <basetime>
If the dn does not match then the object is NOT setup as a dynamic
Once the time has run out then the record is then removed from the
data base.
The time is reset in the following ways:
1. The record is modified.
2. When the atttribute: 'entryTtl' is requested.
- Added: Shell Command. SurgeLDAP now supports shell commands where
selected commands on selected domains cause an external program to be
run with the command which can modify the command, It can either return
back the modified command or tell SurgeLDAP that it was successfull.
The ini setting for this is:
shell id "wild_dn" "cmd=file_to_run" flags
'cmd' can be: |
search, add, modify, delete, modrn, check |
'flags' can be: |
NONE - No extra action
LDAP - The 'file_to_run' is the LDAP address to use.
PROCESS - This will tell SurgeLDAP not only to process the external
program (or LDAP server) but also preform the can command on SurgeLDAP.
ie. shell main "*objectClass=RTPerson" "search=/usr/local/surgeldap/netmeeting
-auth netmeeting mysecret" NONE
- Added: Microsoft NetMeeting Client - Support.
With the use of the 2 new features: 'Dynamic Records' and 'Shell Command'
and the new external file called: netmeeting
SurgeLDAP now supports NetMeeting invalid LDAP requests.
See SurgeLDAP documention on how to set this up
1st November 2002 |
- SurgeLDAP - Your Solution to Database Storage -
SurgeLDAP is LDAP system which enables you to store large amounts of
data accessable from many appications.