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Email Support

If you are seeing this page, you have probably received an Email with a footer saying...

"This Email was brought to you by WebMail,
a NetWin Web Based Email Client."

and clicked on the link.

(Note: if you clicked the link because you wanted help with your Email, click here).

This footer is appended to every Email sent out by WebMail, a NetWin product, during it's 1 month free trial period. (Note: the Email itself was not sent by NetWin Ltd, we simply wrote the software that delivered it).

NetWin has a range of products for ISP's and businesses small and large. WebMail, the product to which this footer was attached, is NetWin's Web Based Email Client, and can be used to create a hotmail-type system.

For More Information...

If you are interested in finding out more about the NetWin suite of products, or about WebMail, please follow some or all of the links below...

  • NetWin's Main Page:
  • WebMail Information:
  • WebMail's Demo Site:
  • Are you in the right place...?

    It is possible that you have clicked on this link in an attempt to get help with Email problems, and you may be in the wrong place.
    You are in the right place if you...

  • want to set up your own server system.
  • need some help setting up your own server system.
  • want information on some of the best server products available.
  • If you do want these, go to our main page
    You are in the wrong place if you...
  • want help to get your Email.
  • have forgotten you password.
  • want to report that the system is not working.
  • What to do if you are in the wrong place...

    In general, you will need to contact the administrator or support address of the company that is running your mail, news or instant messaging system with these sorts of problems.
    If you don't know that address, you can often work it out. If you have the Email address, then you should try replacing your own name (bob) with the words 'support', 'postmaster' or 'admin'.

    If you really can't contact the company that runs your system, you can Email our sales department and give them as much information as you can about the company that runs your system (eg. their name, your Email address on that system, etc) and our sales staff will forward your Email on to them if we have a contact address.