The majority of the settings for WAPMail are identical to those found in WebMail and so are the manuals. This part of the manual will only show the WAP special notes on setting up WAPMail. WebMail Version 2.0m and higher supports WAP.



To provide Email facilities to phone users, all you need is WAPMail and a web server. WAPMail is a companion for WebMail, it provides a full Email system to people on the move, allowing them to swap between phone and PC access. Much more useful than simple Email to text messaging systems, it provides users with full access to their normal Email account. They can preview their inbox; reading, replying or deleting messages. They can create and send new messages, make use of distribution lists or address books. The interface they see is completely customizable and may be individually tailored for different WAP devices

WAPMail is distributed as part of the WebMail v2.0m+ distribution sets, although it requires a separate license key once the initial trial period is over. It shares data files and user settings with these products, enabling your users to move freely between phone, computer web browser and a stand alone Email clients. Both these products work as high performance CGI's which run on any normal web server and provide access to any standard POP/SMTP Email system. If you don't already have an Email server installed, we recommend our DMail system. This can also be be combined with our NetAuth product to allow users to create their accounts online. This also allows users, domain managers and system administrators to manage Email accounts, set auto-replies and forward addresses, etc.

Setting up the INI manually for WAPMail

The best method of setting up WAPMail is to run the install program 'wmsetup' that comes with the distribution set, and when it asks about installing WAPMail you should answer 'yes'.

To manually install WAPMail, the same procedure applies as when installing WebMail, see the link Installing WebMail.

The only difference is that you should install the WAP templates instead of the WebMail templates, and use the wapmail.ini file that is also provided in the distribution set.

The following are the settings that WAPMail has that WebMail does not, by default.

enable_wml true
no_cookies true
bypass_email_decode true
wml_limit 2100
max_wml_display 6
vagent Nokia
    wml_limit 2000
    max_wml_display 6
    wml_type Nokia
vagent Nokia7110
    wml_limit 2000
    max_wml_display 6
    wml_type Nokia7110
vagent Nokia-WAP-Toolkit
    wml_limit 2700
    max_wml_display 12
    wml_type Nokia-WAP-Toolkit
vagent Motorola
    wml_limit 2800
    max_wml_display 12
    wml_type Motorola
vagent OWG1 UP
    wml_limit 2000
    max_wml_display 6
    wml_fld_fix true
    wml_type phone.com


The above settings are explained in more details in the WAPMail INI settings and INI Settings.

Setting up your Web Server to support WML files

If you are planning to just use the CGI and no other WML files of your own, there are no changes needed to your web server. But if you wish to generate your own WML files then below are the changes that you need to make in order to ensure that your web server serves out the pages to the user.

To setup your webserver to serve file with the file extensions used for WAP phones, you will need to add to the webserver file that stores the labels for the acceptable MIME formats.


With the Apache webserver for Linux, the file that is needed to be edited is called "mime.types" and is found in the conf directory inside the directory where apache was installed (eg. /something/apache/conf). You will need to add the following lines to the mime.types file in this directory:

application/vnd.wap.wmlc wmlc
application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc wmlscriptc
image/vnd.wap.wbmp wbmp
text/vnd.wap.wml wml
text/vnd.wap.wmls wmls

NT Webserver ( IIS )

If you are using Windows NT with the standard NT Webserver, you will need to run "regedt32.exe" from the "\WINNT\system32" directory. Using regedt32, you will need to go to the directory path:


and add the following, using the "Add value" function in the edit bar:


NOTE:     * all as data type "REG_SZ" (default)
                * all with an empty string field (appears after value)

If you are using a different webserver, the lines that you will need to add will probably be similar to one of the above methods, and the area that the lines need to be added to will have lines similar to the above present for other file extensions (eg. .gif, .html, etc).


WAPMail INI settings

The following settings are just a shortened list of the complete ini settings that are explained at the link INI Settings. These setting are more associated with setting up WAPMail.

General configuration settings are stored in WAPMail.ini which must be in the same directory and have the same root name as the executable. So if the CGI is renamed xmail.cgi then the configuration file will be xmail.ini.

Any settings in BOLD must be set in order to ensure that WAPMail works correctly on all phones.





authent_cookie true false This will allow autologin via cookies.

Most WAP phones do not support cookies.

bypass_email_decode true false When set to true, this will stop Email addresses from being converted that are located inside an Email message.
enable_wml true false This enables WML features for WebMail. The changes that occur are:
Content-Type for pages sent back to the web server is:
(Other features with WML will appear in later versions.)

This setting must be set to true for WAPMail to function.

email_name (none) Email Message This is the name that is displayed as the Email message link. If this is set blank, the link is not added.

This setting should be set to be empty as this will cause some WAP phones problems.

max_wml_display 10 unlimited This is the default number of lines to be displayed on the list page when using WML.

This should be setup depending on the phone type, as phones have differences about what data that they can display. See default wapmail.ini file.

no_cookies true false When set to true this will disable ALL cookies.

Most WAP phones do not support cookies.

no_folder_case true false This will make sure that the folder doesn't exist, before creating a new one, ignoring the case in the folder name.

Most WAP phones do not seem to support uppercase and lowercase characters.

vagent Nokia none Starts a section of ini settings which apply to a specific user agent. This is normally used for setting up WML settings depending on the phone, but can also be used for Netscape and IE settings.
Note: vagent sections must follow any general settings.
vagent_match HTTP_HOST USR_AGENT The environment variable which is matched against vagent lines.
vend     Ends a section of ini setting which applies to a particular virtual host
wml_limit 2000 none This is used to limit the number of characters which may be displayed in an Email message.