The Configuration File - dmail.confFollowing installation, various options and settings can be adjusted to tailor DSMTP and DPOP to your specific requirements. Most configuration options for the three servers that make up DMail are held in the DMail configuration file, which is dmail.conf by default. DSMTP and DPOP have all of their settings in dmail.conf, DList has most settings there too but also has a lists.dat file for list specific settings. On this page ...
Links to the reference section setting lists ...
Format of the dmail.conf fileThe initial settings in the configuration file are normally placed there by the DMSetup wizard. You may modify them at any time to fine tune DMail or to allow for changes to your system. The configuration file generated by the DMSetup wizard contains extensive comments and can be edited using a standard text editor. Most settings in dmail.conf are specifed one per line and
have the format,
Nothing else should appear on the same line either before or after the setting. So DO NOT add comments onto the end of setting lines :-) When appropriate settings can be entered multiple times
on multiple lines, e.g.
The reference section lists all available settings with their individual syntaxes. See also, Notes on the dmail.conf
Where is the dmail.conf file located?The location for this file is system dependent but typical values are:
Notes on the dmail.conf file
NOTE : If you have modified a dmail.conf setting which is relevant to both DPOP and DSMTP, it is necessary to reload both servers individually with their reload configuration file commands, e.g. tellsmtp reload and tellpop reload. DMAdmin will do this automatically. You can also use the DMAdmin GUI program to change configuration settings. It will make each of the servers reload the config file automatically after any changes are made. Specifying a different configuration fileThe DMail configuration file is dmail.conf by
default, and is found in your system directory, e.g.
To specify a different configuration file for DPOP on startup use:
or to specify a different configuration file for DSMTP on startup use:
# and #includeWithin dmail.conf you can put a hash symbol, '#', at the start of any line that you want the DMail servers to disregard. I.e. the # symbol can be used for comments. Note: Settings should be on a line by themselves. So you
should NOT
put comments on the end of lines that are settings! e.g.
This is NOT
You can also use the hash symbol to include a file into
the dmail.conf
file, E.g.
NB: In versions prior to 2.7 versions you cannot put settings in a #include file that DPOP needs to see, as older versions of DPOP ignore such #include lines. NB: IMAPD needs to read your config file "dmail.conf" for every new connection. By default it
ignores #include lines as it could take too long to read them all. You can force IMAPD
to follow these using the setting "imapd_include_level". This defaults to 0, and specifies
how many #include levels to follow. For example you may add imapd_include_level 1to the start of dmail.conf to tell IMAPD to follow #include's, specified in dmail.conf, but ignore #include's within the included files. Following #include's is only supported in IMAPD 4.3.3q or later. For further information see imapd.htm.