SurgeFTP ftp server - Brilliant, SSL, secure, standards compliant, Windows FTP Server, Linux FTP server.
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This product has been discontinued.

SurgeFTP ftp server - is a secure FTP server that provides industrial strength secure SSL/TLS encryption, powerful FTP server performance, full and complete reporting tools and most importantly, ease of management.

This advanced FTP server software features full SSL/TLS security for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris, making it a great option for those why need FTP Server Windows (including FTP Server Windows 7), FTP Server Linux and more. With a few clicks you can generate a report to show who's using your server, and more importantly who is misusing it, wasting your bandwidth and resources.

In addition, SurgeFTP FTP sofware offers statistics on connections as well as robust logging capabilities and is fully compliant to all standard FTP protocols, RFC 2389, RFC 959, RFC 2428

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SurgeFTP ftp server - Key Features

  • Administration
    • Remote web based administration
    • Emailed activity reports (uploads/downloads)
    • Status Page, see number of connections, uptime, current transfers
    • Extensive online help (inside SurgeFTP Admin)
  • Accounts and Groups
    • Multiple User Classes per Domain (different rules for different users)
    • Individual User Limitations by Authentication Module or User Class
    • User Group Settings
    • Automatic Home directory creation for new Users
    • Access rights for shared user resource directories (i.e. read only common directories)
    • .message notification compatibility
    • Quota system for users home directories
    • native or self contained user database (NT or UNIX passwd ) support
  • Security
    • SSL/TLS availability for encryption of FTP sessions. Uses OpenSSL
    • Server Administration through HTTPS or (HTTP) with any web browser
    • Settings to allow use through NAT/Firewall/Router
    • Immune to common vulnerability exploits like those discovered in Microsofts FTP server: e.g.
  • Traffic Control
    • Anti Anonymous Hammering (auto IP banning)
    • Limit connections by domain or user name or user class
    • Limit number of concurrent connections
    • Limit Download rates (Kb/sec) per User Class
    • Internal Authentication Module Cache of 10mins (prevent your DB being hammered)
  • Authentication
    • User Authentication by system or external module
    • Existing Authentication Modules for LDAP, SQL, ODBC, Radius, nwauth.
    • Each domain can have a separate Authentication Module
    • System Authentication on Windows is compatible with Active Directory
    • Unix compatibility for system authentication, use users home directory
  • Other
    • RFC Compliance to standard RFC's for FTP protocol
      • RFC 2389, RFC 959, RFC 2428
      • draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-12 and draft-murray-auth-ftp-ssl-06
    • Multiple Domains
    • Built in multiple mirror / replication functionality
    • Works with multiple platforms, including FTP Server Windows XP, FTP Server for Windows 7 and more.
    • Pre Sales Support

SurgeFTP - Considered the best FTP server software by many.

Pre and Post sales service

We pride ourselves on giving our customers unparalleled service, if you have questions, problems, or even need a feature added in a hurry we will bend over backwards to satisfy your needs, have you had a better offer recently?

Satisfaction Guaranteed! Are you sick of buying software and then finding it doesn't do what you want, or doesn't even work! We stand behind our software, if you are not satisfied with the product, performance or customer support we will refund 100% of your purchase price.

We want to make you as happy about your SurgeFTP server as this customer:
"ALL the programmers, support people, accounting people, well the entire company is OUTSTANDING - If you are or were a US Marine you will know what that means ! I have NEVER had the responsiveness that Net Win provides ! The technical support is the best I have ever worked with. They do NOT give up, they help you all the way ! Even before the purchase ! From this stand point alone, everyone who operates an ISP and provides custom FTP, EMAIL, and CHAT services NEEDS these products !
Jon Unglert - CEO - Ix Technologies, Inc & ISM Group, Inc."
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