CWMail: Corporate Web Mail
Installation and Management Guide
NOTE: This
product is frozen, and only supported for existing customers, new customers
should use WebMail instead.
This guide is intended for system administrators who are installing,
customizing or managing a CWMail site. CWMail works in conjunction with
a web server and your normal email POP and SMTP servers. CWMail can be
extensively customized to provide distinctive web based email service
for your customers. The web pages the clients see are based on a series
of template files which can be modified to suit your particular needs.
These template files make use of template variables to refer to all the
configuration, user or message specific items. This allows the templates
provided to be used as they are, or completely re-written to provide a
particular look and feel which matches other web pages from your site.
For the users, processing their email from a web-browser has the advantages
that they do not need to setup an email client package, and that they
can access their email from a web-browser running on any computer located
anywhere which has access to the web server.
The following sections describe:
The self-extracting archive you have downloaded will normally run WMSetup once it has
unpacked the files to a temporary directory. All you need to do is answer the questions to
complete the installation.
If you want to handle the installation manually use the following instructions:
You must install the CWMail CGI on your WEB server, in a directory that you have already
set up as containing CGI programs. You should read your web server documentation if you
don't currently know how to set up a CGI program. Normally a server will have a special
directory for storing CGI's - it may be called something like SERVER_ROOT\cgi-bin
or c:\inetpub\scripts
or "FrontPage Webs\Content\cgi-bin"
You also need to copy all the template files to a directory on your system, it can be
anywhere as long as you define the templates
variable in CWMail.ini to point to the same place. Note: By default the CWMail user files
are stored below the template directory. Therefore the template directory should not be in
the web-pages tree as direct access to user files could be a security risk.
If you plan to customize the template files (most people do :-) then you should
probably keep a copy of the original set so that you can later compare them with future
releases. This may save you much effort when adding new features into your
customized set.
download the self extracting archive from netwinsite
cwmail10.exe # Unzip the self extracting archive to cwtemp
cd \cwtemp # Change to temporary unpack directory
mkdir \cwmail # Create a directory for templates
mkdir \inetpub\wwwroot\nwimg # Create a directory for .wav files
copy * \cwmail # Copy docs templates etc to destination
copy *.wav \inetpub\wwwroot\nwimg # Copy sound files
copy *.gif \inetpub\wwwroot\nwimg # Copy sound files
copy cwmail.exe "\inetpub\scripts" # Copy cgi
copy cwmail.ini "\inetpub\scripts" # Copy ini file (must be with .exe)
del \cwtemp # Remove temp files
Now edit CWMail.ini and define values for the four settings shown below:
Symbol |
Example |
Explanation |
pophost |
pop.your.domain |
The name or IP number of your POP server |
templates |
\dmweb |
The directory where you have copied the *.tpl files |
smtphost |
mail.your.domain |
The name or IP number of your SMTP server |
domain | |
Your domain, this will be used to construct email addresses |
If you wish, you can tailor the template files to give CWMail the same look and feel as
your own web pages. It is assumed you know how to edit raw html files, in addition there
are some variables that you can use. The list of variables depends on which page CWMail is
showing. For example the %%h_subject%% variable only works when
displaying an item, or directory listing.
Normally you just download the distribution set uncompress and untar it
and then run the installation setup wizard WMSetup. For example
- download the distribution set from netwinsite to a temp directory
- uncompress cwmail10.tar
# Uncompress tar file
- tar -xvf cwmail10.tar
# Extract distribution files to CWMail sub-directory
- cd CWMail
# Change to temporary CWMail sub-directory
- ./wmsetup
# Run setup wizard
Then just answer the questions to complete the installation. If you want to perform the
installation by hand rather than using the setup wizard use the following instructions:
You must install the CWMail CGI on your WEB server, in a directory that you have
already set up as containing CGI programs. You should read your web server documentation
if you don't currently know how to set up a cgi program. Normally a server will have a
special directory for storing CGI's - it may be called something like SERVER_ROOT/cgi-bin
or "/home/httpd"
You also need to copy all the template files to a directory on your system, it can be
anywhere as long as you define the templates
variable in CWMail.ini to point to the same place. Note: By default the CWMail user files
are stored below the template directory. Therefore the template directory should not be in
the web-pages tree as direct access to user files could be a security risk.
If you plan to customize the template files (most people do :-) then you should
probably keep a copy of the original set so that you can later compare them with future
releases. This may save you much effort when adding new features into your
customized set.
If you happen to be using httpd and it's in /home/httpd then the command file supplied will do the installation or upgrade for you. Note it will not
overwrite templates or the ini file in case you already have modified ones.
download the distribution set from netwinsite to a temp directory
uncompress cwmail10.tar # Uncompress tar file
tar -xvf cwmail10.tar # Extract distribution to CWMail sub-directory
cd CWMail # Change to temporary CWMail sub-directory
mkdir /var/spool/cwmail # Create a directory for template files etc.
mkdir /home/httpd/nwimg # Create a directory for template files etc.
chown nobody /var/spool/cwmail # Set appropriate ownership
cp -i ./tpl/* /var/spool/cwmail # Copy template files over
cp -i ./tpl/*.wav /home/httpd/nwimg # Copy sound files over
cp -i ./tpl/*.gif /home/httpd/nwimg # Copy image files over
cp * /var/spool/cwmail # Copy docs etc.
cp cwmail.cgi /home/httpd/cgi-bin # Copy cgi
cp -i cwmail.ini /home/httpd/cgi-bin # Copy ini file
rm -r -f ../cwmail # Remove temp files
Note: .ini must be with .cgi
Now edit CWMail.ini and define values for the four settings listed below:
Symbol |
Example |
Explanation |
pophost |
pop.your.domain |
The name or IP number of your POP server |
templates |
/var/spool/cwmail |
The directory where you have copied the *.tpl files |
smtphost |
mail.your.domain |
The name or IP number of your SMTP server |
domain | |
Your domain, this will be used to construct email addresses |
If you wish, you can tailor the template files to give CWMail the same look and feel as
your own web pages. It is assumed you know how to edit raw html files, in addition there
are some variables that you can use. The list of variables depends on which page CWMail is
showing. For example the %%h_subject%% variable only works when
displaying an item, or directory listing.
CWMail/DMailWeb supports both private and shared address books and a pick list of
recently used email addresses. The address books themselves are simple text files with one
substitution per line. The following are example lines:
When processing to, cc and bcc lines the translations are made. For each entry in a to
line which does not contain an @ symbol the following sequence of searches are performed.
- Search each of the users private address books for a match (i.e. those in addr_books)
- Search each of the public address books this user has entered in gadd_books
- Just add the local domain on
The search stops on the first match. So if bill is found in my own address book it
takes preference. If no entry is found in any address book then the name is assumed to be
for a local user and @localdomain is added to the entry.
Public address books are just normal user address books but with the prefix public_
So if user wants to share his home
address book with pete he just stores it with the name public_home and then Pete can make
an entry in his pick list page:
If you as system administrator want to give everyone access to a company address book
then you need to pick a user to administer it e.g.
and then create the address book say public_company then set in default.dat and/or use the
system administrator page to add the line:
The files used for address books always have an extension .abk and can only be stored
in user directories.
Multi-Language Support:
The template files can be edited to provide an interface in a language other than
English. In addition the names of folders such as Trash, Copies to Self, etc. can be
changed using ini file settings.
To translate error and informational messages place the following line in the ini file
language_file lang.dat
Then edit the lang.dat file as required. This contains two lines for each error or
informational message contained in the package. Lines beginning with a # are considered
comments. The lines look like this:
I23 %d of %d users from %s user directories deleted successfully
Translation of: I23 %d of %d users from %s user directories deleted successfully
The I23 identifies the particular message, normally I is used for information and E for
errors, W for warnings. The second of each pair of lines should be replaced with a
translation into whatever language you want to use. When editing the line be careful not
to remove the %d %s parts of the line as these are replaced at run time with relevant
information. In the example above the actual message shown might be:
I23: 1 of 1234 users from c:\dmweb\u_* user directories deleted successfully
You can also use multiple copies of the cgi to provide different sets of templates etc.
for different languages. You can also setup a single copy of CWMail to handle multiple
templates sets for different languages on either a per user or at login selection.
If you have multiple groups of users you can support them with CWMail in a variety of
different ways. The method you choose will depend largely on the POP and SMTP server you
have and how they support virtual domains.
Let's consider two groups of users, and domain.two. They both have a user
called fred.
If you only have a few virtual domains you can just duplicate the CWMail cgi and ini
file and run multiple copies specifying different pophost, smpthost and domain settings.
You can make users enter a pop-host as part of the login page. Either as a separate
field or as part of the username. E.g. username ralph@domain2
The most powerful method is to use the vhost vend ini settings (requires version 2.1h
or later). After all the common settings in the ini file you can have sections for
different virtual hosts. So if users from domain one use the url and
users from domain two user the url http://domain.two/cgi-bin/cwmail.cgi
both access the same copy of cwmail.cgi but will be kept separate by the vhost
sections of cwmail.ini.
A typical example might be
vhost domain.two
domain domain.two
pophost pop.domain.two
In the line
vhost xxx
the xxx is matched against the host name in the url. (This is usually taken from the cgi
environment variable SERVER_NAME but you can match against anything else - say HTTP_HOST
by adding an ini setting
vhost_match HTTP_HOST )
If the same pophost is to be used but with a username suffix the above would be changed
vhost domain.two
suffix /d2 or
suffix @domain.two
The vhost - vend can bracket any ini settings to be applied to users from that domain
so for example to use different templates for domain one we might have:
vhost domain.two
suffix /d2 or
suffix @domain.two
templates \cwmail\domain2
CWMail can be setup to use multiple sets of templates. You might choose to do this to
allow for the use of multiple languages or just to allow individual users to select a set
of templates they like working with. For example you might have a very simple set for use
by young children or those new to computing, and an extended set for advanced users.
As an example the addition of a second set of templates referred to as Nicks Templates
is described below. These can be retrieved from our website and then unpacked.
For NT, download the self extracting archive cwm_ntpl10.exe and unpack it
then follow the directions below.
For Unix, download the file cwm_ntpl10.tar.Z and then
uncompress cwm_ntpl10.tar
tar -xvf cwm_ntpl10.tar
then follow the directions below:
Nick's CWMail Templates Version 1.0 1/12/98
This is an additional set of templates for use with CWMail
It can be used as a second set of templates which individual users may select at login
time or from the config page. Alternatively it can replace the original set of templates.
To replace the original set of templates just copy the full contents of this directory
into your existing templates directory and copy the .gif, .wav and .jpg files into your
nwimg directory.
Alternatively if you have CWMail version 2.0h or later you can copy this directory to a
directory like \cwmail\ntpl, copy the .gif .wav and .jpg files to nwimg directory and then
add a line to cwmail.ini as follows
tpl_set 2 \cwmail\ntpl
Individual users can then choose to use these templates from the login or configuration
To allow selection from the login page you add a line like this to login.tpl in the main
templates directory.
<input type="checkbox" name="tpl_set2" value="ON">Use
template set 2
Using this method of selection requires the choice to be made at each login.
An alternative is to allow the selection to be made from the config page. To allow this
add the following line to the form in the login page.
<input type="hidden" name="tpl_set" value="config">
Here is a list of the template files, and a brief description of each. Each file may
optionally have a frame version which has the same name with the suffix f for frames. For
a frame login frame.tpl is loaded and menubar.tpl is placed in the top frame.
File Name |
Description |
login.tpl |
The first page shown when CWMail is run, this handles the user login |
list.tpl |
A list of new mail messages |
item.tpl |
A single mail item |
send.tpl |
Sending a new mail message |
sent.tpl |
Confirmation message when a message has been sent |
forward.tpl |
Forwarding one or more messages |
error.tpl |
Used to display any error messages |
menubar.tpl |
Menu bar used if Frame Login rather than normal login |
There are also other example sets of template files available. If you create a
particularly nice set you might like to share them with others. If so send them to and we will add them to this
Download Page
The template files contain ordinary html plus %%variables%% plus various commands to
the cgi. The commands may take the form of a submit button with a particular name or a
defined variable of the form cmd=xyz. Most commands can be used in either format.
Normally if the command is used as a button name in a form, hidden fields are used to
include other required information such as the user token and folder.
<form name="List" method="POST"
action="||b_action||" >
<input type=hidden name="utoken" value="||utoken||">
<input type=hidden name="fld" value="||fld||">
<input type=input name="list" value="Show New Mail Folder">
The same function can be used as an href, thus:
New Mail Folder</a>
For common functions a preformatted version of this href is available. For example the
list new mail href can be used thus:
<a href=||b_list||>Show New Mail Folder</a>
In addition a variable of the form set_xyz=abc or name="set_xyz"
can be used to create a template variable with a value abc for the template page which is
to be returned. Thus for example send message form could be changed to add the following
<input type=hidden name="fred" value="send message page">
In a similar way a form can contain a hidden value to perform the same function as in:
<input type="hidden" name="set_fred" value="bill">
The error.tpl page could then include :
Error processing ||fred||
to add send page specific information to the general error.tpl page.
If these set constructs are used with variables starting u_ then the value is also
stored permanently in the user.dat file. an href finishing &u_fred=bill will add a
u_fred bill
to the user.dat file and will replace ||u_fred|| in any template served with the value
The cmd=xyz form are listed in the table below:
cmd = |
b_ |
Function |
delitem |
Delete msg and return to mail list page list.tpl |
delitemn |
Delete msg and show next message or message list if no next item. |
list |
b_list |
Show list of New Mail folder |
list_copy |
Show list of copies to self folder |
list_waste |
Show list of waste folder |
show&page=xyz |
Display template page xyz.tpl |
&set_fred=bill |
Set template variable fred to contain bill and serve out as part of next
template displayed |
cmd=lg&url=xyz |
Logout and then go to url xyz using the loaction: header |
cmd=x&process=y&page=z |
Run cmd x then process command y then display page z |
Here is a list of some of the general variables that you can use in these template
files. Note: in the template file each variable has the form %%variable_name%%
Variable |
Description |
Typically used in |
%%do(program params)%% |
will execute any program and pass it parameters including
translated template variables and replace with output from the program.
For example:
||do(\cwmail\lookup.exe ||user||@||h_pophost||)|| might be replaced by
"Mr. Smith"
using lookup.exe to access some database.
Note: The output from the program must be terminated with a newline character. |
any |
%%ifdef%%var%% |
Conditional inclusion if variable is defined |
any |
%%ifndef%%var%% |
Conditional inclusion if variable is not defined |
any |
%%ifequal%%var%%val%% |
Conditional inclusion if template variable equals val, case
sensitive. e.g.
<h2> sorry no mail for you today
%%endif%% |
any |
%%ifnequal%%var%%val%% |
Conditional inclusion if template variable does no equal val,
case sensitive. |
any |
%%ifinstr%%var%%val%% |
Conditional inclusion if template variable var contains string
val, case sensitive |
any |
%%ifninstr%%var%%val%% |
Conditional inclusion if template variable var does not contain
string val, case sensitive |
any |
%%else%% |
Optional else section to go with ifdef ifinstr etc. |
any |
%%endif%% |
Marks end of ifdef or else section |
any |
%%include%%file%% |
Reads the named file in which may include template variables |
any |
%%include%%$fred%% |
Reads the file whos name is stored in the user variable
fred. note variable must contain whatever.tpl and file must be located in
template directory |
any |
%%var%%left%%nn%% |
return left nn chars of variable var |
any |
%%var%%left+%%nn%% |
return left nn chars of variable var with trailing ... eg
left 4 of meeting is meet... |
any |
||set||fred||bill|| |
sets template fred to value bill which will be served in next
template and in the following lines of this template |
any |
abook |
Content of currently selected address book |
pick.tpl |
abook_edit |
Address book to edit |
pick.tpl |
abook_only |
Current address book - if set then picklist will only show
entries from address books rather than from pick list and address books |
pick.tpl |
add_br |
add <br> to end of each line in a message being sent. |
send.tpl |
addr_books |
Pick list of current address books stored in user.dat variable
addr_books |
pick.tpl |
gaddr_books |
Group address book list as a comma separated list stored in
user.dat variable gaddr_books. Note prefix public_ and suffix .abk are added
automatically |
pick.tpl |
attachment_names |
List of attachments to message being forwarded (set when forwarding
using the forward_edit command). |
fwdedit.tpl,fwdeditf.tpl |
attachments |
List of links to display/save attachments. If inline is true
then %%attachments%% is not defined. |
item.tpl |
b_list_next |
List next page of messages in a folder |
any |
b_list_prev |
List previous page of messages in a folder |
any |
begin_list |
Starts list of new mail messages |
list.tpl |
begin_flist |
Starts list of folders within list use variables:
f_name folder name
f_msgs number of messages in folder
f_size size of folder in kbytes
f_new number of new messages in folder
f_unread number of unread messages
f_del href to delete folder
||fld_rename||f_id|| button name to rename folder
f_name||f_id|| variable to contain new name for a folder
f_delete complete <a> to delete folder but blank for non deleteable
folders i.e. new trash copies to self
f_rename complete <input tag for rename ///ly blank for 0,1,2
f_newname complete <input tag for new name ///ly blank...
f_tmsgs, f_tsize, f_tnew, f_tunread totals for all folders |
folders.tpl |
b_action, action |
Ref. to CWMail. Example <img src="%%action%%/myimage.gif">
Will load file from templates directory which user does not normally have
access to. |
list.tpl |
b_follow |
Goes to form for posting follow-up messages |
item.tpl |
b_forward |
Ref., forward this message to someone |
list.tpl |
b_forward_edit |
Ref., forward and edit this message to someone. Uses fwdedit.tpl |
list.tpl |
b_item |
Show a specific mail message |
list.tpl |
b_list |
Ref., List new mail |
b_next |
Next mail message |
item.tpl |
b_prev |
Previous mail message |
item.tpl |
b_reply |
Ref., send a reply to this person |
b_replyall |
Ref., Send a reply to everyone whom this message was to |
b_send |
Ref., Send a new message to someone |
checknew |
If set on login page then cgi will check for new mail on login |
login.tpl frame.tpl |
copyright |
An href and copyright notice. Must remain somewhere on login
or menubar page |
any |
copyright2 |
similar but not an href |
any |
dflt_reply |
The user's preferred reply-to address |
disk_quota_kbytes |
Disk quota in kbytes |
*.tpl |
disk_used_kbytes |
Disk space used in kbytes for message files |
*.tpl |
docmd |
When a href include variable newframe= then query - newframe=
is put into docmd and passed to frame.tpl for later action. This allows
all frames to be refreshed and something other than list put in list frame. |
frame.tpl |
end_list |
Ends list of new items |
list.tpl |
end_flist |
Ends list of folders |
folders.tpl |
error_do |
If set then on error do this command rather than servng error.tpl eg in
send.tpl adding <input type="hidden" name="error_do"
value="list"> would return to send page if to: was not specified |
*.tpl |
from |
This user's email address |
fwdedit |
Set during command forward_edit so spell-check will return
to correct fwdedit template. |
fwdedit.tpl, fwdeditf.tpl, sp_show.tpl, sp_edit.tpl |
fwdedit_attachments |
Used to preserve the state of forward edit attachments checkbox |
fwdedit.tpl, fwdeditf.tpl, sp_show.tpl, sp_edit.tpl |
fwdedit_headers |
Set during command forward_edit. Allows inclusion of 'one-time'
initialisation code in fwdedit templates. |
fwdedit.tpl, fwdeditf.tpl |
h_subject |
The subject for a given mail message |
list.tpl,item.tpl |
h_date |
The date for a given item |
items.tpl |
h_date_d 1 to 31
h_date_y 2001 etc
h_date_m jan feb mar etc. |
Broken out date for a given item |
items.tpl |
h_date_time |
The time from h_date in this format 1:15:06 pm |
list.tpl |
h_date_t24 |
The time from h_date in 24 hour format i.e. 13:15:06 |
list.tpl |
h_flags |
List of your current mail folders suitable for a select box. |
h_from |
The "From:" header from the current message |
list.tpl |
h_isreplied |
0 or 1 if message has been replied to |
h_sender |
Sender: header line |
h_to |
To: header line |
h_xfrom |
The "From:" header from message we are forwarding |
fwdedit.tpl |
h_lines |
The number of lines in this message |
list.tpl |
h_isread |
Mesage has been read - 0 if false 1 if true |
*.tpl |
h_isforwarded |
Message has been forwarded - 0 if false 1 if true |
*.tpl |
h_isremote |
Message was left on pop server |
*.tpl |
http |
First part of protocol variable ie http:// or https:// or wml:// as appropriate |
any |
info_msg |
Informational message such as "Quota exceeded 23 messages
left on server" |
*.tpl |
item |
The UID (Unique Identifier of this message assigned by CWMail) |
item_id |
The number of this item ( i.e. msg) eg 3 or 4 |
logged_out |
If user is logged out this is set to "true" |
any |
last_login |
Time of last login. This is only served the first time list.tpl is displayed
after a login |
list.tpl |
list_i |
The message number on this page ie 3rd of 10 on this page |
list.tpl |
list_m |
The message number as in the 13th of 20 |
list.tpl |
max_download_msgs |
Maximum number of messages to download at one time |
config.tpl |
max_download_kbytes |
Maximum message size to download from pop host |
config.tpl |
nitems |
Number of items in this folder |
nnew |
Number of new messages (new from pop server on this check) |
nm_sound |
url reference for sound to play when new mail arrives eg.
/nwimg/nmsound1.wav |
config.tpl stub.tpl list.tpl |
nosortpick |
is checked if picklist should not be sorted. read from config.tpl set
in all templates |
config.tpl read
all write |
nosortaddr |
is checked if address book should not be sorted. read from config.tpl
set in all templates |
config.tpl read
all write |
page |
The name of the template file being served. Can also be used
to set the page to display with cmd=x, page=y |
any |
pages |
The number of pages of messages available in list.tpl nmsgs/page_size |
list.tpl |
page_num |
The page we are on if multiple pages are being used in list.tpl |
list.tpl |
page_size |
Number of messages to show on each list page. Default 10 can
be set in template |
config.tpl list.tpl |
wml_page_size |
Number of messages to show on each list.wml page. Default
5 can be set in template |
config.tpl list.tpl |
poplist |
List of pop hosts defined. |
pop_cur |
Index in poplist of current pop host |
any |
pop_name0 |
Main pophost for this user |
any |
pop_user0 |
Username for main pophost for this user |
any |
pop_replyn |
The user's preferred reply-to address for pop host n |
config.tpl |
pop_portn |
The user's preferred pop port for pop host n default is 110 |
config.tpl |
refresh |
time in seconds between auto-refresh of list.tpl for checking
mail 0 means no autorefresh. Cant be set to < fetch_min which defaults
to 200 seconds. |
list.tpl |
remote_addr |
ip address connection came from |
any |
reply |
This user's email address |
real_name |
This user's real name, for use in friendly From: "User
Smith"<usmith@abc.z> |
roffset |
Offset to first character not shown when a message is truncated
due to body_limit. When read as part of a cmd=item command it specifies
the offset. The line containing this character is the first one shown as
part of the message body. Used in Next Section command in item.wml |
item.tpl |
sort_on sort_field and sort_direction |
returns field name messages are being sorted on with - prefix for descending
sort_field is just field name and direction is ascending or descending
these all appear in lang.dat so can be translated to foreign languages.
any |
server |
vhost server name. Can be used with b_action to make it an
absolute url rather than a relative reference. |
any |
time |
time in seconds (as returned by c time(NULL)) |
any |
t |
time in seconds modulo 99 can be used thus href="||b_action||?cmd=checknew&utoken=||utoken||&t=||t||&&
to stop silly browser cacheing the href |
any |
topick |
list of recent email addresses |
send.tpl |
tolist |
list of recent email addresses and entries from address books |
send.tpl |
tpl_setn |
tick boxes for tpl_set1 to tpl_set10 see below |
tpl_set |
Template set to use 1-10 defined in ini file |
Read from config and login. Set for config.tpl |
tunread |
Number of unread messages in a folder |
list.tpl |
uaddress |
users address |
any |
uage |
users age |
usex |
users sex ( as in mail female boy girl i.e. a string) |
upto |
message number to start display at in list.tpl |
list.tpl |
user |
Current username (excluding sufix and prefix) |
fuser |
Current username (including sufix and prefix) |
user_agent |
Contents of environment variable http_user_agent. Useful for
picking up what browser is being used. Example:
%%ifinstr%%user_agent%%msie 3.02%%
any |
umax_attach |
max size of attachment which can be sent |
config.tpl |
uvar1-4 |
User variables stored for each user and initialized for new
users from default.dat Can be used to add additional user options and field
defaults. Note to clear a uvar from a form field a singe - character is
used as empty fields cannot be distinguished from non existent fields. |
any |
vhost |
vhost name being used instead of server name to match vhost
lines in ini file. |
vhost_port |
vhost port number, enables use of vhosts with web-servers
running on non-standard ports. |
v_asis |
Show page as it is so that html refs. interpreted as is |
var1-8 |
From ini file settings var1 to var8 |
wysiwyg |
true/false config page setting. Allows user to make wysiwyg
send message editor the default |
send, config |
Folder and Rule Variables
Variable |
Description |
folder |
Current mail folder name |
fld |
Current mail folder number |
fldlist |
List of folders |
r_addr |
Address to send email to if rule applies |
r_actions |
List of valid actions for a rule |
r_contains |
If header contains this text then rule applies |
r_folders |
List of valid folders for a rule |
r_headers |
List of valid headers for a rule |
rule_log |
A log of the rule processing |
Message Headers available as variables:
Variable |
Description |
a_from |
address only part of h_from so if h_from="Ralph Pugmire" |
h_from |
From: header line |
h_to |
To: header line |
h_from_trim |
Just nice form of h_from. ie realname part of from header i.e. john for
"john"<jpc@a.b.c> |
h_from_trim2 |
same as h_from_trim but if result is
just return ralph |
h_to_trim |
Just realname of to header i.e. john for "john"<jpc@a.b.c> |
h_reply |
a_reply |
address only part of h_reply so if h_reply="Ralph Pugmire" |
h_reference |
h_resent_from |
Resent-from: header line found in forwarded messages |
h_subject |
Re: subject header line, Truncated values available h_subject_30, h_subject_40,
h_subject_60 |
h_subject_raw |
raw subject header line |
h_date_day h_date_d h_date_y h_date_m |
date header from a message and various parts of that header using
variables below
month as number 1 to 12
time am/pm
time in 24 hour clock
day in Mon, Tues, Wed...
day as a number 1 to 7
month |
h_date |
h_content-type |
h_pophost |
pop host item was read from |
h_priority |
if in send.tpl contents will be sent as Priority: header |
a_cc |
address only part of CC header line |
h_cc |
CC header line |
h_lines |
Number of lines in message including header lines |
h_bytes |
Number of bytes in message, including headers |
h_popn |
The number (in the users config page pophost list) of the pop host this message came
from |
h_kbytes |
Number of kilobytes in message, including headers |
Obscure/Internal data
Variable |
Description |
utoken |
Current login information for this user, must be carried through all forms |
fwdlist |
The list of items to be forwarded in a multiple forward operation |
nfwd |
Number of items being forwarded |
Hidden variables passed in from forms:
Variable |
Description |
utoken |
Current login information for this user, must be carried thru all forms |
fld |
The folder number being processed |
vhost |
Value of vhost to use instead of actual server when matching vhost lines in ini file |
send_date |
On send use this value rather than servers date_time for date: header on message.
Usefull if user are in a different timezone from the server. |
True/False Settings
Variable |
Description |
autoadd |
add addresses to pick list automatically |
autoadda |
add addresses to address book addr_booksa automatically |
v_myfrom |
use users from address instead of original from address when forwarding a message Note
this is read from forward.tpl so if you do not provide a tick box and want it todefault
true then you have to put it in as a hidded field with value "on" |
v_font |
display variable width font, set to true or false, valid in config.tpl,item.tpl |
fwdlist |
show all the headers or not, valid in items.tpl |
v_inline |
show images inline, or as a list of attachments, items.tpl |
sig |
Config setting, add signature to message. |
Detailed Descriptions of Template variables:
Useful for displaying adverts, you would setup a cron job (or program that runs every
10 minutes) to change the advert file, thus displaying a new advert each time someone
reads their mail.
Conditional inclusion if variable var contains string val, case sensitive.
<hf> This is the New folder</h4>
<hf> This is some other folder</h4>
Show page as it is so that html refs are interpreted as is.
The settings for each user are stored in user.dat files one for each user. Each user
has a directory which is a subdirectory of the template or work directory. So for example
if the templates are stored in \cwmail a user
would have a directory \cwmail\u_ra\
which would contain a user.dat file containing the settings for user Ralph. (Alternative
hash methods can be set in the ini file to use more complex methods for creating user
directories.) This user.dat file is a text file which can be edited by the system
administrator. The default settings come either from global ini file settings or from the
default user.dat file which is called default.dat and is stored in the main template
directory. (Note you will need to create default.dat if it does not already exist) For
example you might create a default.dat to change the default reply to address from the
users login name to some prompt string such as "Enter your email address here"
to do this just create default.dat with the single line"dflt_reply Enter your email
address here
You could also create batch scripts or programs to modify the contents of the user.dat
files to do things like updating users' disk quotas or changing their "Real
name" based on the contents of some central user database.
You may also use the variable %%user%% within the default.dat file. For example to set
uvar1 to fax-username you could add a line
uvar1 fax-%%user%%
A manager page is also provided as part of the cwmail/dmailweb cgi to enable the system
administrator to change settings in the user.dat files. It allows you to change a setting
for a wildcard selection of users and to perform other manager tasks. For example you
might want to change the name of the "Trashcan" folder for all existing users,
having changed the name for new users by modifying the waste_name ini file setting. To
access the manager page you enter a url of the following form:
It also requires the use of a manager_password which must match the corresponding
setting in the cwmail.ini or dmailweb.ini configuration file. Note: If you put a manager
password in the ini file you need to ensure web users cannot read this file. You can also
use the form
manager_password @fred
in which case the password will be read from fred.dat in templates directory.
The cgi directory should normally be set execute only for web users. The file should only
allow owner read access so only CWMail or DMailWeb can read it.
The manager.tpl like other template files can be completely tailored by the system
administrator. It uses the following %%variables%%
Manager variables
Variable |
Description |
uadd |
If checked then user.dat files not containing any value for the setting being modified
will have a setting line added. |
ub_only |
If checked only modify user.dat files for which this setting is blank or missing. |
upurge |
If checked a purge of all cached new mail messages for the selected users will be
performed. This is essentially a forced logout for matching users who have been logged in
for more than 12 hours. |
uwild |
Wildcard selection of users to process. Note: user name includes both username and pop
account of the form: so to
change ralph settings for all accounts use ralph* and to change all users with accounts on use * |
uset |
User setting to change. Examine user.dat file with a text editor to see what settings
can be modified. |
uval |
New value for setting uset to be entered into user.dat for each matching user. |
last_purge |
Time of last purge of cached new mail messages. |
nmatches |
Number of matching user/host name combinations |
nusers |
Total number of user/host name combinations found on system |
nadded |
Number of user.dat files which had a setting line added to them |
nmodified |
Total number of lines in user.dat files which were modified to the new value (uval) |
Manager Page:
An example of the manager page is shown below:
Management |
This form allows you to modify user settings for a wild card selection of users by
modifying the values stored in their users.dat files. These files store settings for a
variety of options from disk quotas to default reply addresses. The user.dat files are
simple text files and can also be edited directly with any text editor.
Number of users |
2 |
Matching users |
2 |
Lines modified |
2 |
Files added to |
0 |
Last purge |
Mon Jun 29 20:41:15 1998 |
CWMail 1.7b Copyright © NetWin
The config.tpl page from Version 2.1b onwards allows users to change their password by
pressing a change password button. Note; at present this function is only available if the
particular pop host also supports the poppassd protocol. See poppassd for an example of the unix
and NT source for poppassd.
Much more extensive control of user password modification, account creation, mailing
list control etc. is provided by a companion product NetAuth.
CWMail provides several features for control of SPAM, in addition to a unique
Parent-Child email account system.
- User set of New Mail Filtering Rules
- Reject list of SPAM sender addresses
- Parent-Child Accounts
Filtering Rules:
Unwanted email can be controlled using the normal Rule Filtering options for new mail.
These allow searching particular headers for strings, and a variety of action options.
Reject Lists:
In addition each user has a reject-from list which contains email addresses from which
email messages should be rejected. This list can be edited from the user config page. NOTE
that messages with a sender, from or reply-to header matching an entry in this list are immediately and irrevocably deleted when the POP
server is checked for new messages. The only record of these messages is a count of
rejected messages.
When a message is being displayed on the item.tpl page, in addition to the normal
buttons for Reply, Forward, Delete etc. there is a Reject button. The reject button does
the following:
- Deletes the message (without copying to trash)
- Adds the sender's address to your reject list
- Displays the next message
Parent-Child Accounts:
Parent-Child accounts provide a simple way for parents to control who a child will
receive email from.
When a child receives email from a person the following steps occur:
- Check if the message is on the child's reject-list, if so delete it.
- Check if the sender is on the child's accept-list, if so deliver the message to the
- Otherwise forward the message to the parent, with attached child_accept, child_reject
- If the parent presses child_accept then the message is returned to the child and the
sender is added to the child's accept list.
- If the parent presses child_reject then the message is deleted and the sender is added
to the child's reject list.
The parent may also edit the child's accept and reject lists directly. Parent and child
accounts are just normal CWMail email accounts. To register another account as a child
account you must know the email address and password for that account. Once an account has
a registered parent it becomes a child account and the user of it loses the ability to
control their own accept and reject lists - this control passes to the parent. A parent
may control multiple child accounts.
Setting up a Child Account
For a user to setup a child account they must firstly just create (or have created for
them) a normal email account for the child. The child must log in so that his/her user.dat
is created. The parent then logs in and goes to the options page of their own account and
then to child setup. There they must enter the child's email address anna@a.b.c for example and the password for that account and
then press save.
This records in the child's user.dat that they are the parent. An account can have only
one parent but multiple children.
Parent-Child commands variables and template files:
- New template files:
File |
Function |
rules.tpl |
New mail filtering rules and accept_from reject_from lists |
child.tpl |
Used to display and edit settings for a child account |
confmenu.tpl |
Used in child, config and rules template files as a sub menu |
- New user.dat variables:
Variable |
Function |
af: |
Only accept email with sender/from/reply matching an af: line. Multiple entries
allowed, one per line. Wild cards allowed. If no af: settings then any address is
acceptable |
rf: |
Reject email with sender/from/reply matching an rf: line. Multiple entries allowed,
one per line. Wild cards allowed. Rejected emails are deleted and counted. |
rejected |
Total number of rejected emails |
parent |
email address of parent. The existence of a parent entry defines an account as a child
account. |
ch: |
child accounts, one entry per line. |
child_edit |
current child account to be displayed, edited etc. |
- New || variables:
Variable |
Function or Contents |
children |
list of child accounts |
child_edit |
Email address of current child account to load/save |
child_pass |
password for new child to edit. To view/edit a child account you must either enter the
password or be already defined as the parent of that account. |
ch_accept_from |
List of email addresses child's account will accept emails from. Email with a sender
not on the accept or reject list is transferred to parent. |
ch_reject_from |
List of email addresses child's account will not accept email from. One entry per
line, wildcards are allowed. Email with a matching sender/from/reply address will be
deleted from POP host without download. |
b_child_reject |
Can be used in href to provide a button to delete msg and add sender to child's reject
list. See item.tpl for an example of its use. |
b_child_accept |
Can be used in an href to provide a link/button to delete a message and return it to
child's account and add the sender address to the child's accept from list |
accept_from |
List of email addresses to accept email from. If list is empty any from address is
acceptable. One entry per line. Can contain wildcards. |
reject_from |
List of email addresses to reject email from. Email with matching sender/from/reply
are deleted from POP server. |
rejected |
Count of rejected emails |
nrej |
Count of rejected emails on last POP check |
b_reject |
Can be used in an href to provide a button/link which will delete the current message,
add the sender address to your reject_from list and move to next message. |
- New commands:
Command |
Function |
reject |
Delete message and add sender to reject list |
child_accept |
Delete message after returning it to child account and adding sender to child's
accept_from list |
child_reject |
Delete message and add sender to child's reject_from list |
child_show |
Display settings for a child account |
child_save |
Save new settings for a child account |
child_release |
Release a child account from parental control |
child_load |
Load settings for a new child account. child_pass should be entered. |
For most systems the simple approach of using directories of the form workarea/u_fr/fred@netwin_co_nz for
user fred at is best. This provides a spread of user directories and an easy
way to find the user.dat for any given user. On some very large unix systems the directory
lookups can be slow if there are more than about 800 entries in a directory. For these
systems a second hashing more complex hasing method is provided. It is set by putting:
hash_method nhash
hash_method 2
in the ini file. This new method allows any characters in usernames and uses a two
level directory structure eg. workarea/n_a9/b4/
rather than just workarea/u_xx/user@domain_name
It provides a very flat distribution and will produce less than 800 directories per
directory even on systems with many milliions of user accounts.
Note1: Most large systems even on unix do not see a problem with existing hash method
which is more transparent.
Note2: As changeing the hashing method will make the cgi look in a different directory for
a users files it should not be done on a working system. (Users would loose their messages
and settings)
A utility wmcd which returns a user_directory for a given username@domain is included in
the new distribution.
wmcd ralph/
Later a change hash method utility will be provided to move user files should this
become necessary.
General configuration settings are stored in cwmail.ini which must be in the same
directory and have the same root name as the executable. So if the the cgi is renamed
xmail.cgi then the configuration file will be xmail.ini
Symbol |
Example |
Default |
Explanation |
@pop |
true |
false |
Allows user to enter pop host by using user@pophost in the username field in login.tpl.
Without this setting user@pophost would
be passed to the pop server as a username. |
add_header |
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><META
HTTP-EQUIV="cache-control" CONTENT="no-cache"> |
blank |
Can be used to add html to the <head> section
of all template files. The example shown would stop pages being cached by
a browser on a public computer. |
allow_java |
true |
false |
Allows the execution of Java applets included
in html email messages. If the setting is false applets are effectively
commented out of the message. The default is false to prevent Trojan horse
attacks. |
allow_script |
true |
false |
Allows the interpretation of Java scripts in html
email messages. If the setting is false Java scripts are effectively commented
out of the message. The default is false to prevent Trojan horse attacks. |
allow_form |
true |
false |
Allows the interpretation of html forms in email
messages. If the setting is false forms are effectively commented out of
the message. The default is false to prevent Trojan horse attacks. |
auto_login |
1 netauth.exe $(workarea)/../netauth show=passwd.tpl |
none |
Allows auto_login to another product with a template
href like this <a href="||action||?cmd=send_auto_login&n=1&utoken=||utoken||&&">Netauth</a>
See listf.tpl for examples of links and default ini files for example in
settings. This method can also be used by third party cgi's Uses pass_file
auto_login method.
Note: If the last parameter starts with a , it is inserted directly after
cmd=auto_login rather than at the end - this enables one to send for example
cmd=auto_login,fwd1&othertuff=value to give multiple commands to NetAuth.
auto_logout_mins |
200 |
60 |
Time since last activity for logged in user before
cache of new mail messages is purged |
blank |
Adds the line given to the body of all outgoing email messages. You can
have multiple body_add lines to produce a multi-line addition. To add
blank lines use a body_add line with trailing spaces. If the value for
body_add is from_template then the body add text will be taken from
a field called body_add in the send.tpl form ( this can be used with javascript
to produce different body adds).
Extended body_add functionality - requires
version 2.8a
body_add ~command - execute 'command' and append it's output to the message.
body_add @file.txt - append the contents of the file file.txt from the
templates directory to the message.
2000 |
nolimit |
If set it will limit the number of characters served in message
body in item.tpl or item.wml Used for browsers like wap phones which can
only handle limited number of characters. It can also be used as a form
variable to make it user dependent and even agent dependant so it can vary
when user connects from another device. Can be set from login page and list
page as wbl variable. ie if login page contains hidden variable wbl with
value 10 then on login body_limit will be set to 10
Note: in ini file there can be a setting body_limit
it is also stored in user.dat
so ini file default is
overwritten by user.dat value.
It can also be set in template
files (where it is called wbl rather than body_limit) template wbl
value overwrites user.dat value of body_limit.
cache_posts |
false |
true |
If false send the html headers to browser to stop
it cacheing responses to POSTS headers sent are:
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
content_type |
text/x-html |
text/html |
HTML MIME content type, some servers allow 'special'
features for documents with a modified type. |
cookie_ipcheck |
4 |
3 |
Determines how many sections of IP from address
is matched when checking for use of cookie based login |
copy_name |
sent_messages |
copies to self |
The name of the folder to store copies to self
items in |
cgi_path | |
env var |
Sets the cgi_path. Only needed if Web Server does
not set the appropriate environment variable for cgi's. |
date_format |
dmy |
mdy |
Sets the date format to month first or day first |
debug |
True |
false |
Enables verbose debug output. |
default_max_dkbytes |
100000 |
4000 |
Used for initial setting and to limit users setting
of max_download_kbytes. Messages larger than this will not be downloaded
from pop server. |
default_max_dmsgs |
20 |
100 |
Used for initial setting and to limit users setting
of max_download_msgs. Only this many messages will be downloaded from pop
server at one time. |
default_quota |
100000 |
100000 |
Initial disk quota for new users. Users quotas
can be changed by modifying setting in each users user.dat file. Given in
kilobytes. |
domain | |
this host |
Used to create the email 'from address' for each
user. Can be $pophost to signify use the pophost setting entered by user
on login page or in default.dat |
empty_passwords |
true |
false |
If you have some accounts without passwords and
you want cwmail/dmailweb to allow logins to these accounts then this
setting must be set true in ini file. |
empty_trash_on_exit |
true |
false |
Force an "empty trash can" on logout
and login (after 12 hours) |
extended_index |
true |
false |
Added in 2.7a If false it limits headers stored
in index to keep it compatible with 2.6k and before.
For new systems this should be set true to enable all new features to work.
frames_default |
true |
false |
If true then the default login is a frames login.
In I.E. pressing Enter on login page performs a default login. |
fetch_min |
600 |
200 |
Minimum time before rechecking POP host for new
mail for mail list page |
fix_from |
true |
false |
When true the reply-to field is only used for
reply_to header inside sent messages. The from header and envelope header
are fixed as user@domain |
fld_maxlength |
20 |
14 |
Sets the max length for folder names which will
be accepted |
force_primary |
true |
false |
Insists that the user logs into your local pop
server first. POP entries in login.tpl are ignored. |
hash_method |
2 or nhash |
1 |
Changes hashing method for user directories. Note! Dont change
on existing systems as user files wont be found after change. |
hash_num |
5 |
2 |
The number of characters to use in hashing username
for user files.
With setting 2 user johns files will be in workarea/u_jo/john@pop_domain |
hide_ip |
true |
false |
When true this setting stops this header being
added to outgoing mail:
X-User-Info: ip.addrs.of.machine.running.dmw
hide_host |
true |
false |
When true this setting removes the POP host
name from the error message the user will see if their login fails.
hide_x_mailer |
true |
false |
Removes the x-mailer cwmail... header on sent
messages if registered |
inline_options |
target="newpage" |
none |
Allows options to be set for inline http references
in messages. Example target="newpage" will force a new browser
window to be created when an inline reference is clicked. |
ipcheck |
4 |
3 |
Number of bytes of ip address to match when checking
from address matches. For example if set to 3 from address will
match with |
iso |
true |
false |
If true then any characters sent to the web browser
as part of message body etc have the following trnslations performed. Any
characters with codes greater than 127 are sent in &#nnn; format. |
item_pre1 |
<p> |
<pre> |
The tag sent before a mail message body |
item_post1 |
</p> |
</pre> |
The tag sent after a message body |
item_pre2 |
<p> |
none |
The tag sent before a mail message body when variable_width_font
display setting is in effect. |
item_post2 |
</p> |
none |
The tag sent after a mail message body when variable_width_font
display setting is in effect. |
keep_index |
false |
true |
Keep the index of remote messages on logout so
that message read and other flags are not lost |
key |
2222-333-44-222 |
1 month key |
Used to enter Registration key |
language_file |
lang.dat |
none |
If included then lang.dat file will be used to
translate information and error messages |
last_first |
true |
false |
If true then when retrieving message from POP
server the last message will be downloaded first. This is less efficient
but if a user has 1000 messages and it is set to only download 100 at a
time users may prefer to see the last(i.e. most recent) 100 |
limit_list |
true |
false |
if true then in list of mails when expanding begin_list
end_list we check chars printed and if reach body limit we stop even if
page size has not been reached. Usefull for wap phones. |
lock_id |
123 |
first part of hostname |
When seting up a server farm with several machines
running CWMail and sharing a work area each must have a unique lock_id.
THis will normally happen by default as the lock_id is set to this first
part of the hostname. eg for it would be NetWin. If you are
running two machines with shared cgi-bin and hence shared ini file
then you must NOT have this set in ini file. |
lock_old |
100 |
300 |
A lock older than this (secs) is ignored. Too
large a value means an account takes to long to free up after a problem
occurs. Too small means user.dat can get overwritten just because POP server
takes a long time to respond or transfer of file to user over slow link
takes too long. |
lock_wait |
2 |
5 |
When waiting for a lock give up and return an
error after this time in secs. Too short and you get cant get lock errors.
Too long and load increases due to many copies of cgi waiting for locks. |
lock_force_wait |
2 |
0 |
When finished with a lock wait this long before
giving it up |
log |
,top_reply,stat_reply,uidl_reply,list_reply,index |
none |
list of extra items to log (when debug true) |
log_file |
/logs/cwmail |
ini dir |
Directory to store the log file in |
logout_time |
16:30 or 2000 |
0 |
user utokens normal expire at midnight use this setting to
make them expire at some other time of day hh:mm or seconds |
lowercase_password |
true |
false |
Always lowecase password so password secret is
the same as Secret and SECRET |
lowercase_pophost |
true |
false |
Always lowecase pophost so is same
as |
lowercase_username |
true |
false |
Always lowecase username so user ralph is same
as Ralph and RALPH |
no_manager |
true |
false |
Disable all manager access to cgi. |
manager_ip | |
any |
comma separated wildcard list
of ip addresses to accept cmd=manager from eg 162.4.5.*, |
manager_password |
none |
Password for access to manager.tpl manager page.
Note if you put a manager password in the ini file you need to ensure web
users cannot read this file. If you use @filename then you must put the
password in a text file in template directory called filename.dat |
match |
match headername matchstring variablename htmlvalue |
none |
match headername matchstring variablename htmlvalue
eg. match from "@netwin" fromnetwin bgcolor="#EE0000"
would create a template variable ||fromnetwin|| with
value bgcolour="EE0000" on lines in listf.tpl which have a from
header containing string @netwin
if "!@netwin" was used instead of "@netwin"
then it would match lines which have a header name which does not contain
as headername you can also use _flags which will contain some
read, unseen, new, file
max_sends |
20 |
500 |
Maximum number of messages a user may send in
one day. |
mcache_kbytes |
200 |
10 |
Messages larger than this initially only have
their headers downloaded or cached
=0 means always leave body on server - never cache body
<0 means never leave body on server - always cache body |
new_mail_name |
inbox |
New Mail |
The name for the folder that new messages are
put in |
nfs |
true |
false |
On a shared nfs file system need this set true
as normal file locking does not work. |
no_checksum |
true |
false |
Normally when reading user.dat files a checksum
is used and if its wrong the read is aborted. If a third party application
is being used to add setting to user.dat you may want turn this check off. |
no_cookie_domain |
true |
true |
If true cookies are generated for a specific domain. THis
is more secure as calls to other domains will not return the cookies. |
no_delete | |
none |
User cannot setup delete rules which filter messages
based on a string contained in no_delete. EG if
then user cannot auto delete messages from |
no_ipcheck |
true |
false |
If true don't check for same IP from address during
session. |
no_new_users |
true |
false |
Disables new user account creation |
no_pick_in_tolist |
true |
false |
Don't show pick list entries in ||tolist|| ie
just address book entries |
no_quoted_printable |
true |
false |
Disable conversion to quoted printable when sending
messages |
no_sender |
true |
false |
If true then no sender header is generated for
new messages.. |
no_slash_filename |
true |
false |
When an attachment is shown within a message the
url used contains /filename after the cwmail.cgi and before the parameter
list eg.
If you try to save the attachment to disk this helps some browsers
know what filename to suggest. However some web servers dont like anything
after the cgi name and before the ? This setting allows you
to disable this feature if you have such a web server. |
no_rename |
true |
false |
Disables use of rename file for updating user.dat.
Needed on some shared nfs systems. |
no_tcode |
true |
false |
Disables the use of tcode in login.tpl
This will reduce security but allows the use of a static login page.
The tcode is placed in the login page by the cgi and is checked at login.
Each tcode is only allowed once. This prevents a cached login page being
used again. |
no_trash |
true |
false |
Disable delete actions from doing an auto copy
to Trashcan. |
noedit_reply_to |
true |
false |
Prevents users from editing their default reply
to field |
noedit_real_name |
true |
false |
Prevents users from editing their real_name field |
nwimg |
/images/nwimg |
||b_action|| |
relative url to use for locating images used
in templates. These are normally stored in /nwimg in main web server directory
but can be elsewhere. If no nwimg setting is included in the ini file then
||b_action|| is used which is the cgi path and the cgi will serve the images
from the templates directory. |
original_pophost | |
none |
When users are first created a directory for each
userame@pophost is created. If you later change
the pophost setting in the ini file they will be connecting to a newpophost
but there settings are stored in username@oldpophost.
By having an ini setting for original_pophost (which should never be changed)
you can change the pophost setting and CWMail will automatically translate
as appropriate between newpophost and oldpophost. |
peruser_pophost |
true |
false |
If set then never refresh users pop_host setting
from the ini file. i.e. always use the one from user.dat pophost 0 line.
This allows each user to have a different pop host (stored in user.dat)
even for DMailWeb |
pick_abook_max |
100 |
250 |
Max number of items from address books to be displayed
in pick list |
port |
1100 |
110 |
POP port to connect on |
pophost |
pop.your.domain |
this host |
The name or number of your POP mail server |
pop_retry |
5 |
1 |
Number of times to retry connecting to POP when
its busy. 1 second sleep between attempts |
pop_busy |
locked by another user please try again |
try again |
If we see this string in a failed login reply
from POP server then try again after a 1 sec sleep |
pop_timeout |
90 |
30 |
Time-out in seconds to wait for response to command
from POP and SMTP servers. |
pop_delete_default |
false |
true |
Sets the default setting for each new user. True
implies delete message after download. Individual users can change setting
in their config page. |
poplist_width |
20 |
no limit |
Limits the width of entries displayed in poplist list of pop
hosts. |
purge_mins |
600 |
no purges |
The time between purges of cached new mail messages
for logged in users who have reached the auto_logout time |
read_status |
true |
false |
If true then check the status header for O for opened
and if found set our read flag so we see message read elsewhere as read
in cwmail/dmailweb |
read_flag |
R |
O |
use with read_status true to tell it what to check
for in status header - some POP servers use R for read and some O for opened |
read_wrap |
75 |
85 |
Wraps message lines in received messages at this
point. Use -1 to set no_wrap |
reply_prefix |
false or ---
any string |
> |
The prefix used in ||quote_body|| for each line
of message body used in reply |
replyto_fixed |
true |
false |
Stops the user from modifying their 'from' address. |
require_cookies |
true |
false |
If set true then it will only talk to clients
with cookies enabled |
rset |
true |
false |
Send POP server an RSET command before quit to
stop it marking messages as read when read by cwmail/dmailweb but not deleted. |
send_wrap |
75 |
set_charset |
false |
true |
When set we set the charset in content type header
based on charset found in msg header. Used for displaying messages with
special character sets. |
set_status |
true |
false |
When true and RSET ini setting also true. On connection to
pop server we only get headers using top n 0 and then send rset before quit.
This makes pop server leave Read/unread flag in status header alone. Then
when user reads message the flag will be set. |
show_tiff |
true |
false |
Enable inline view of tiff images assumes browser
supports tiff images. |
smtphost |
mail.your.domain |
this host |
The name or IP number of your SMTP mail gateway |
smtp_auth |
true |
false |
Enables authentication when connecing to the smtp
server |
smtp_port |
250 |
25 |
The port to use for SMTP mail gateway |
stats |
true |
false |
if true then everytime a template file (eg fred.tpl) is served
one byte is added to a file called stat_fred_tpl.s in workarea or fred_tpl.s
in stats_path if that is defined |
stats_path |
/var/spool/stats |
none |
Path for daily stats file. one line per login.
default is no collection of stats. Logs:
- timestamp in seconds
- login username@pop_address
- connection from IP address
- messages served
- disk space used by messages
stream_max |
10 |
1 |
Sends up to this many top commands at once to
pop server. Some pop servers can't handle this but if yours can this will
provide faster response on checknew when there are lots of new messages
- eg 100's |
suffix |
/domain.two |
none |
Appends a suffix to the username as used in tokens,
user.dat directory name and pop host logins. Usually used with vhost sections. |
templates |
/var/spool/cwmail |
The directory where you have copied the *.tpl
files |
text_stdin |
true |
false |
Set to true for buggy webservers that dont use
binary for attachments. One javawebserver needs it. |
top |
myframe |
_top |
On logout etc. target = top so if CWMail is to
be run in a frame as part of some other page this will need to be set. |
tpl_set n |
2 /var/spool/cwmail/French |
Set the path for an alternative set of template
files. 1<n<10 can use $templates as first part of path to signify
main template directory |
timezone |
nzst |
GMT offset |
An alternative string to append to local time
in date header of sent messages. eg nzst instead of -1200 for Wellington
New Zealand |
u_eight_bit |
true |
false |
This is actually stored in user.dat If it is set then when
displaying a message character codes greater than 127 are passed thru directly
rather than converting into &#nn; format. See list.wml for an expample
of its use. |
use_page_size |
true |
false |
If true then lists of message are shown a page at a time.
The default number of messages is 10 but can be set by user on config page. |
uvar1-4 |
users computer type |
none |
Four general purpose user variables which you
can store any user specific stuff in. |
user_prefix |
saveit_ |
u_ |
Any fields in forms which have a name starting
with this prefix will have there values stored in user.dat and can be used
in any template |
utok_cookie |
true |
false |
Allow user to move from within CWMail to other
web pages and then return without logging in or keeping utoken
We serve utoken as a cookie on login with a 1 hour timeout and accept in
queries and posts without utokens |
valid_pop | |
none |
limits pop hosts users can connect to |
valid_to |
ralph*,*.nz |
none |
limits email addresses users can send email to |
valid_user |
*smith,ralph,john |
none |
limits usernames which may be used to a wildcard
list |
var1-8 |
my_setting_for_var1 |
Settings for user variables defined in ini file
and used as variables in templates |
vhost |
my.domain.two |
none |
Starts a section of ini settings which apply to
a virtual host my.domain.two Note vhost sections must follow any general
settings. |
vhost_match |
The environment variable that is matched against
vhost lines. |
vend |
Ends a section of ini setting which apply to a
particular virtual host |
waste_name |
rubbish bin |
Trash Can |
The name of the folder into which deleted messages
are put |
wbl |
body_limit |
see body_limit |
wml |
true |
false |
Set true for use with wml rather than html devices
such as nokia 7110 cell phone. Changes various defaults and tags to
those suitable for wml devices. Looks for .wml rather than .tpl files. Includes
content-type text/vnd.wap.wml, <br/> instead of <br>, removes
<pre> etc.
Translates $`|{} and char 127 to the &#nnn; equivalents to keep wml
browsers happy with chars like Î
work |
fred-george /work2 |
none |
For users with usernames between fred and george
use work area /work2 |
workarea |
/var/spool/cwm_work |
templates |
The directory to create CWMail work files and
user subdirectories in. |