Hi, i'm setting up an e
mail server that will be sending out in excess of about 1 million emails
a week. NOT SPAM. These are all registered users with my service. It's partly to be used
as marketing and partly as notifications that are sent out for normal operations.
Question 1) is there a way to bulk import my list into the listserv or group? 1a) should the list be pulled from/Stored to a SQL Database?
The dlist �module with surgemail can import a list from a simple text file listing the addresses one per line.
How big is the actual list, if it's a single list of 1000,000 addresses I would not recommend using dlist for this purpose, it's design is really for lists in the more common range of�
10-40,000 addresses... �
Although it may work dlist is not optimized for very large lists. �I suspect you may be better off using a list management product designed for this type of large list.
You may still find surgemail useful as the
mail server to 'send through', it will cope fine with that load and most list management products will probably require a
mail server to work through.�
2) For the marketing portion, they will have the option to Opt out of general annoucements,
but need to be included for normal notifications. Can they hit reply with 'Unsubscribe' in the
subject and be automatically removed from the list?
Yes dlist does handle that.�
3) This e
mail server will be dedicated and on a live IP with dual gigabit ports in a Teir 1 data center. It's spec'd out to a dual Xeon 3..2 quad core with 8gb RAM on Win2008. Would this handle the traffic load?�
Easily. Although the total time to deliver the emails may depend on many other factors. �
3a) Can Surgemail handle load balancing if I were to put in 2 servers?
Depends what load you want to balance (the outgoing email or incoming email), yes surgemail can load balance but in some situations you would need�
a load balancing router to actually send the load between the machines..
For your needs above you don't need two servers.
4) Can it be optimized for outgoing mail? I have another server that is used for incoming.
Yes there are a couple of settings you can tweak to boost the concurrent sending threads. Probably just this....
g_send_max "500"
� � � � � � ChrisP.