
Simply one of the best; scalable secure carrier class Internet mail server

Please note you should upgrade to version 6.5a-2 to avoid the Heartbeat SSL flaw. This is only critical if your version of SurgeMail shows version 1.0.1 as the SSL version, test like this:   tellmail status | grep OpenSSL
Click the Download button above to go direct to the correct version.

Fast, Robust, Secure HIPAA Compatible - Mail Server Software

SurgeMail is one of the fastest, most robust and fully-featured secure email server available on the market today supporting all the protocols IMAP/POP3/SMTP and relevant standards. Over 10,000 email servers installed, serving millions of email accounts world wide.

Easy to manage and install

SurgeMail is an advanced secure easy to manage and install high performance email secure server using fast browser based administration tools. Surgemail includes user and domain self administration.

Advanced spam prevention and virus filtering

Surgemail mail server software provides seven level spam and virus protection. The most effective spam prevention techniques are supported including SPF, RBL, challenge-response, white listing and hundreds of other built in spam prevention mechanisms.

Unlimited users and domains

Surgemail is scalable to an unlimited number of users or domains. Surgemail's efficiency mean tens of thousands of users can be supported even on very modest hardware.

Brand new SurgeWeb Ajax / Web2 web email interface

A fast, efficient and customisable webmail interface. Using advanced Web 2.0 / Ajax mechanisms this web interface provides the speed and ease of use normally only seen in a local email client.

RFC Standards Compliant "IMAP Mail Server"!

We take RFC compliance seriously. For example unlike many of our competitors our IMAP mail server module passes the rigourous unofficial IMAP test suite This means it's more likely to work seamlessly with multiple email clients (IPhones, Android etc...) without 'odd' behaviour.

Linux Mail Server or Windows Mail Server?

SurgeMail email server software was designed to run on both Windows and Linux from day one. It is not a Linux email server product ported to Windows or visa versa, so it works properly in each environment, and you can choose at any time to move from one platform to the other (at no cost) or even run a mirrored cluster of both at once. This flexibility is very valuable as your company policies change you can maintain your email system without painful migrations/conversions. Our goal is to provide the best possible Windows mail server or Linux mail server.

High Performance POP3 Mail Server

SurgeMail's POP3 mail server module is fast, RFC compliant, and totally reliable. And works with the IMAP mail server allowing users to seamlessly switch between IMAP and POP3 or even use both at once. Many normal mail servers cannot permit both protocols to be used at once! (Both IMAP and POP3 modules are standard with all SurgeMail versions)

Windows/Linux SMTP Server Software

The heart of your mail server is the SMTP protocol, SurgeMail's smtp module is designed to handle Incoming Email, Spam, Hackers and Local Users all at once. Many unique features are used to throttle spammers, detect and block hacking attempts, reject the bulk of spam and still accept all normal incoming email quickly and efficiently.

What is a "Secure Mail Server"?

  • Designed for security from the ground up, so it can't be exploited as a back door into your computer network.
  • Supports SSL protocol for login and smtp so messages and passwords are encrypted at all times and not visibly floating around on the internet for anyone to see/steal (as is common with most servers)
  • Includes optional 'SurgeVault' Encryption module for 'end to end' encryption. This module makes SurgeMail HIPAA compliant!
  • SurgeMails unique 'mirror' feature allows live replication of your configuration and mailboxes, this feature will save you your job! A nightly backup is just not a workable solution for your mail system when the most valuable data on your mail server is all 'new and unread' email that arrived within the last day!

RFC Standards Compliant "IMAP Mail Server"!

We take RFC compliance seriously. For example unlike many of our competitors our IMAP mail server module passes the rigorous unofficial IMAP test suite This means it's more likely to work seamlessly with multiple email clients (IPhones, Android etc...) without 'odd' behaviour.

Groupware support

Optional calendar, file sharing, instant messaging, forum, blogs and chat room modules.

SurgeMail is available for all versions of Windows, all version of Linux (32,64), Solaris, FreeBSD, and OSX.  The web components are  compatible with all modern browsers (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari).

Unparalleled technical support

Great technical support and a very helpful user community. Read the mailing list for more information, but often features will be implemented and ready to use a matter of days after someone has posted a new feature suggestion!

Select a focus link below for more information.

Integrated Web based email Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus SurgeVault Messasge Encryption
Web based administration (user, domain, server) Auto Migration from anything Unique Live Replication
Full SSL secure support for all protocols SurgeWall firewall Installs in minutes
Any user database ( ODBC, SQL, LDAP ) Unlimited users Blogging server
Any platform (Windows, Unix, Mac OSX) Unlimited domains Archiving / Compliance
Create free Mail Service (Like Hotmail) Calendar and File Sharing Free 5 user license
Built in Mailing Lists
User Photo Albums IPV6 Support

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Wow! surgemail ROCKS!!! :) I have setup surgemail as a bastion host for 5 of our primary domains. We tried every other mail server out there trying to find something that works and that could keep up with our mail throughput.

I'm BLOWN AWAY by just how good Surgemail is! It is processing hundreds of thousands of messages per day and scanning every one for viruses with RAV and giving each one a SmiteCRC spamdetect score. The dual PIII 1Ghz server is only using 1-5% CPU with spikes to 20-30% and only 150MB out of 2GB!!! Amazing.

If you are looking for a reliable and FAST mail server, BUY SURGEMAIL!

-- Robert Boyle - Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection


Fast AJAX web email for existing mail servers!

Use the fast, efficient SurgeWeb web email interface with your existing mail server to allow users acceses to email from anywhere.


Included with SurgeMail Mail Server - at no extra cost.

Unlike many other mail server producers, Netwin includes the following features free of charge

SurgeWeb - including :-
  GroupWare - Calendaring
    - Filestore
    - Photoshare
    - Blogs
  Multiple Skins / Templates
  Multi Language
The complete, advanced Antispam system with all versions
  SPF - Sender Permitted From
  Friends - Challenge - Response System
  SURBL - Spam URI Realtime Blocklists
  Aspam - Content Filtering
  RBL - Relay Block List
Mailing List Server
Migration Tool to migrate via POP, IMAP etc...



Uninstall instructions for all products

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