YesI'mOnline Change history iOS (OSX, Windows)

If you find a bug please report it to

- New : Paid app converted to a free app with banner advertising and in app purchase of full "premium" version
- Fix : Text fullname sent in from header when sending
- Fix : iPad startup image tidyups
- Fix : Improvements Recent conversation list view
- Fix : Occasional crash on message send (actual message was still getting sent straight after restart)
- Fix : App restart / network issues sometimes resulted in messages displaying with totally blank body (both in message list and single message view)
- Fix : Messages with invalid Message-ID header were not getting handled nicely and resulting in excessive bandwidth usage
- Fix : Tidier and greatly reduced debug logging
- Fix : Screen autorotate works again
Wed 28 December 2011 : Release build 1.0
-New : Yay! YesImOnline has been approved by Apple for sale in the App Store. It is a 1.0 version and not fully bugfree yet, but that we will try and address that asap.
Mon 19 December 2011 : Specials build 0.10.5
- New : Recent search field now has cancel button
- New : Email address shown in preferences to show what account one is logged in as
- Fix : Message handing in recent conversation display improvements
- Fix : Debugging interface now hidden by default, limited subset can be enabled by netwin sending specially formatted email and reading using yesimonline iOS
- Fix : Several issues in "move to folder" interface resolved
- Fix : Linkage issues preventing AppStore submission resolved
Thu 15 December 2011 : Specials build 0.10.2
- Fix : Screen layout issues for ipad resolved
- Fix : Nasty crash in the imap refresh handling resolved that was resulting in random crashes during imap refreshes
- Fix : Error handling on message send failed improvements
- Fix : Subject generation when sending no longer messes up some utf8 characters
- Fix : Now have more control over the updating of iOS contact images (and other fields) using YesImOnline favourites
- Fix : Improved scrolling updates when you hit top of recent window pane
- Fix : Improved the ability to update iOS contacts with YesImOnlien contact information
- Fix : Connection timeout to server handled now resutls in error message in timely manner
- Fix : Attachments on some small messages were not corerctly identified
Thu 8 December 2011 : Specials build 0.10.1
- New : iOS messaging client enters feature freeze before planned beta release, full change history recording started. This is a mobile client to augment the Windows and OSX desktop YesI'mOnline clients. YesImOnline is a messaging client that improves the efficency of dealing "conversation stream" of the most important people you communicate with frequently. (eg work colleagues)

Current feature set of the iOS client includes:
- A simplified email based messaging / email client. Messages are sent using email but, is more like a texting client where you send the message body text without having to worry about the message subject, cc, bcc and other complexities of normal email.
- Push notification of new messages as they arrive (audio notification distinguishes the messages from important people other email)
- Quick and easy "single tap" processing of other email messages as they arrive in your inbox
- Provides online status of other YesImOnline users, along with profile images which you can link to your iOS addressbook to keep your iOS addressbook profile images uptodate :-)
- Ability to schedule reminders on messages as they arrive so you make sure you get back to them later without them getting "lost amougst older messages" in the inbox
- Searchable recent conversation view spanning inbox, sent and done folders to provide conversation context, and show conversation stream as the discussion unfolds - this saves switching between folders to figure out who said what last and when!