CWMail and WML/WAP Support
With version 2.4f and later CWMail/Dmailweb can be used with cellphones
and other WAP/WML devices. These devices talk to the CWMail cgi via a
wap server and gateway. In addition a customized set of CWMail templates
and ini settings are required to ensure wml rather than html is served
and the various limits of the wap/wml devices are enforced. A sample ini
file and template set are provided with the CWMail distribution set. These
files are prefixed with wml_
Normally users would be provided with both normal browser access to their email
accounts and wap/wml access via a cell phone or similar device. You can either setup a
completely separate copy of CWMail with a different name and its own ini setting or use a
vhost section in the main ini file and a second web address to serve content to wml
devices. The template files for wml have the extension .wml instead of .tpl An example ini
file for use with wml is provided and a set of wml templates.
For the first option after first downloading and setting up CWMail take the following
copy cwmail.exe \inetpub\scripts\wml.exe |
Make a copy of cgi to use for wml requests |
copy wml.ini \inetpub\scripts |
Copy ini file into same directory as cgi |
notepad \inetpub\scripts\wml.ini |
Edit ini file to enter your settings - mostly these can be taken from
cwmail.ini |
Notes on use with Nokia 7110:
- A wml_page_size of 5 seems ok. 6 produces pages to large for phones memory - obviously
this depends on detail shown in the message list and other data and controls contained in
the list.wml page
- Setting body_limit in login page using onevent hangs 7110 so same code is used in
list.wml instead - strange.
- body_limit variable in forms changed to wbl as its shorter and cant afford long names
that are used in lists :-)