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SurgeMail Help Index

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  1. SurgeMail in a nutshell
  2. Getting Started
    1. Before you install, what you need to do.
    2. Installation and Upgrading
    3. Migration to SurgeMail
    4. Change history
    5. Post Installation Instructions
    6. FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
    7. Customer Support
    8. Don't Panic (Disaster Recovery Procedures)
  3. Spam and Virus Protection
    1. Virus Protection
    2. Spam Prevention
    3. Mail Filtering
    4. Friendly Relations System
    5. Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBL's)
  4. Managing your Mail Server
    1. Server Status information
    2. Searching the log files (tracking a message)
    3. Report generation
    4. Managing accounts
    5. Using the tellmail utility.
  5. SurgeMail Configuration Settings (overview)
    1. Domain specific settings
    2. Global settings
    3. WebMail settings
  6. Configuration Guides
    1. Authentication Modules
    2. Virtual Domains
    3. Clustering
    4. Mirror the server
    5. Moving the server to new hardware
    6. Performance and Scalability
    7. Customising look and feel
    8. Customising internal emails
    9. Language translation
    10. Mail Redirection (forwarding, aliasing, gateways)
    11. SurgeWall - SurgeMail filtering on existing mail servers!
    12. SMS - various SMS delivery options
    13. Mailing lists and bulletins
    14. Securing the server, Configure SSL settings, Certificates
    15. WebDav
    16. CalDav
    17. Incoming MX servers
    18. Smart Router / Load balancing
    19. NDB NetWin folder format
    20. DomainKeys Support
    21. IPV6 Support
    22. SurgeVault Encryption feature
    23. Example configurations