Got an IP causing a spam score with the cause "Has Sent To Catcher" My logs only go back a few months, so this must have happened before then. The IP is not in any emails in my aspam_catch folder, or aspam_bad I've retrained, but it's still getting the score. I've tried tellmail spf_clear, but no dice. I see the rule for this: if (isin("X-IP-stats","Notspam")) then^M call spamdetect(-1,"NotSpamFlag")^M else ^M if (isin("X-IP-stats","Catcher")) then^M call spamdetect(3,"Has Sent To Catcher")^M end if ^M if (isin("X-IP-stats","GreyPassed")) then^M if (isin("X-IP-stats","First 0,")) then^M call spamdetect(1,"GreyPassed")^M end if ^M end if ^M end if ^M ^M Where do I find this IP in the system, and how do I release it? - SteveP
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