Specials (pre beta) build for those who are interested in testing new UI, grab 73p from http://netwinsite.com/ftp/surgemail/specials/ and turn on the settings g_modern_admin, g_modern_surgeweb, g_modern_user. (after changing the settings press control f5 to force browser reload,or in sureweb then choose one of the new options when logging in)
These settings enable a new 'look' for the admin interface, the functionality is the same just the layout is changed. Also the SurgeWeb interface has some really nice new options or inline with modern designs. Users can still choose to use the old interface too so no one need be upset if they don't personally like the new designs.
A lot of works gone into making these changes relatively subtle and pleasing and not breaking existing systems, so we're excited to hear what people think.
Let us know if you hit any problems with this.
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