I currently run a SurgeMail server for a number of domains along with a mirror, both on SmartOS (Solaris), and want to migrate both to new hardware. The mirror is offline ATM due to changes at the hosting provider of my dedicated servers. The primary server is still online. What is the current best practice for the migration? I presume it is some combination of rsyncing the /var/surgemail directory to the new server and enabling mirroring from the old primary server to the future new primary server. What settings do I need to pay particular attention to if I copy surgemail.ini and /usr/local/surgemail from the old server to the new? How should I go about setting up a new mirror server, considering that the previous mirror server is now offline? I have about 2.5 TB of email on the existing server. I’m also running Legal Archive on the existing server, stored locally in a separate datastore, currently with about 250 GB of archived email. What do I need to consider when migrating the Legal Archive? Naturally I want to minimize downtime. Thanks, Chris
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