The carddav functionality should now be functional with the latest caldav / sabredav in surgemail.
You will need to:
1) be running surgemail binary version 7.5b18+
2) run the calendar "Update Current Install" button to get the latest version of the files in surgemail/phplib/*_v2 directories (this is safe to rerun in terms of already running caldav)
3) copy the surgemail/phplib/netwin_v2/abk_v2.php to surgemail/scripts/abk_v2.php
4) Lastly to explicitly upgrade the old abk database (surgemail/scripts/data/abkdb.sqlite) to the new database (surgemail/scripts/data/abkdb_v2.sqlite) run this tellmail command:
tellmail abkdb_migrate
What platform were you on? I have just placed very latest linux64, windows32 and windows 64 builds in the specials directory.
Let us know how that goes thanks, and I'll make sure I update the instructions page too in the next day or so :-)
On Monday 07/12/2020 at 2:38 pm, Tom Cross wrote:
In the instructions
the folder Netwin is used.
We have Netwin and Netwin_v2
Do we use the _v2?
tom cross
partner HTMLnet
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