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SurgeMail Legal Archive

To use the S3 service you will first need to Register at amazon, then to activate your S3 subscription in SurgeMail paste the key into the web admin interface, click on "Legal Archive" on the left hand side of the web admin tool and you will see a box to enter it.




The Legal Archive feature in Surgemail is intended for storing a copy of all incoming and outgoing email for several years. The archive can be searched by the administrator or direclty by users (this can be disabled).


Messages are compressed, encrypted, and indexed, then optionally sent to the Amazon S3 storage network for redundant offsite storage without over loading your local disks.


When a user requests a mesesage just that message is fetched and decrypted so the message is available instantly. The indexes are stored locally so searching for messages is relatively fast.


Settings (To adjust settings use your web admin interface)

Essential Settings:

Enable Legal Archive
Path for indexes (this may use significant space)
Encryption Password (if you loose this all your archives will be permantently lost - write it down NOW)

Optional Obscure settings, best left alone :-)

Disable Amazon/S3 (Keep files on local disks)
Bucket to store data (if you change this all existing archives will be invisible)
Host number (for shared storage clusters, to give each host a unique identifier on amazon) 1...n
Years to keep messages (default 7)
Limit direct search of archived messages to those in the archive group


Transfer instructions

If upgrading from SurgeMail 6.4a or earlier and IF you were already using the Amazon S3 storage, then you will need to transfer your data between two internal amazon systems to maintain access.  This will also reduce long term costs!

1) Install 6.4b-14 or later from
2) Login to your AWS console.
Click on S3 Go to 'security credentials' from drop down menu (top right)
Click on 'access keys', either create a new root access key pair, or use the "legacy Security Credentials" to get your old ones, and click on 'show'. (Or create a sub user to get a key pair)
You should get two keys that look like this: (but not these exactly obviously)
AWSSecretKey: pad6FMOubA5RwwASDFrBo5dASDF665mhQ5Slo/fq

3) Now in the Legal Archive page in surgemail, go to the bottom and enter YOUR keys for the two amazon settings: Press save
4) Now use the 'test amazon' button at the top, it should pass the test.
5) Now type in this tellmail command:
        tellmail la_transfer
That may take many hours to complete (or even a couple of days), try re-issuing that command tomorrow, it will tell you if there are no more files to transfer.  Done :-)